Chapter Thirty One

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Hey guys! I made the playlist for this fic public on Spotify, under the same name. I wrote this to Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac, if anyone's wondering. As always, comments are appreciated, and I hope you enjoy!


Louis stared in horror as Jared's nose poured blood in front of him.

Harry was frozen, shocked at his own aggression. Jared bounced back quickly, punching Harry in the stomach with tattooed knuckles before security showed up to throw the two of them out. Two men in black t shirts grabbed both Harry and Jared by their shirt collars, dragging the seething men away.

Before the brawl, Louis had been having a great time. Jared came up to him asking to dance, and he was attractive, so Louis thought 'Why not?' It's not like he had a boyfriend. He just had a Harry.

Jared was different. He was still tall, but his hair was short. Louis was used to running his fingers through long hair, and his fingers felt the ends of Jared's hair far too soon.

During their (short-lived) kiss, Louis had realized he didn't want to be kissing Jared. He planned on ending the whole thing politely, and then go seek out his friends for the rest of the night. Before he could bring this plan to fruition, Harry chose to do that for him.

Louis slammed open the front door of the club, striding up to Harry, holding an ice pack to his side and leaning against the brick wall. The cold air didn't take the blood coloring his cheeks, sweat still dripping down Harry's forehead.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Louis yelled, staring Harry down. He had seemingly sobered up, but he was still a little out of it. Harry tried to focus his eyes on Louis, but he still looked far away. Lost, almost.

"That dick-"

"Jared." Louis interrupted. Harry narrowed his eyes. "His name is Jared."

"That dick called you a slut." Harry reiterated, looking at Louis protectively. Louis clenched a fist, feeling the sharp sting of his nails biting into his palm.

"Yeah, I heard." Louis scoffed. It wasn't like he was a fan, but Louis had been called worse. "That doesn't mean you punch him."

"He deserved it!" Harry exclaimed, gesturing with his free hand. "He disrespected you!"

"And I could've dealt with it!" Louis seethed, trying not to start yelling. He and Harry had caused enough of a scene, as is.

"You didn't!" Harry protested.

"You didn't give me a chance!" Louis cried, throwing his hands up in frustration. He sighed, looking at Harry's drunken state against the wall. He was hunched over, hair frizzy and curled. His silk shirt had some stain on it, and there was a cut on his lip from where Jared got in another shot. "I'm getting an Uber to take you home. I'm not dealing with you like this.."

"Louis, I was just trying to protect you-"

"That's not your job!" Louis pleaded, desperation seeping into every word. "You're not my boyfriend, Harry."

Harry looked like he had been punched in the gut. Again. His eyes lost their fire, his posture lost it's purpose. He pushed himself off the wall with a wince, Louis awaiting his response with baited breath. He just nodded wordlessly, walking down the street to catch a cab. Louis watched Harry's back as he left, the blue satin of his shirt shifting with every movement. Louis ignored every impulse he had, every bone in his body telling him to go after Harry.

When midnight struck, Louis was alone in his apartment. He watched the fireworks from his window, imagining what he and Harry would be doing together now. Whatever happened, they crossed a line tonight. They can't go back.

I Don't Love You (And I Always Will)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora