Chapter 35: An Act of Impulse

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"Um, Ms. Grimota has asked if you would like some tea," Nem Koel said. She had evidently decided that since their host was dressed as a woman, she would refer to her as such, and Suthe decided to do so as well. "She apologizes for taking us away from the traditional meal, but today's intermission was the only time she had available to see us."

Irikri gestured invitingly to the tea set on the table as Nem Koel translated, the actor's movements welcoming and graceful.

"Yes—tea would be great, thank you," Suthe said, though when she was handed a cup, she barely took a sip. Could Irikri see her hands shaking? Maybe it would be better if she set the cup down.

Out of the corner of her eye, Suthe noticed Saer Lon give her a brief disapproving look.

Irikri spoke again, but instead of Nem Koel translating immediately, Saer Lon answered the question. Hoping for a clue, Suthe studied their host for a reaction, but Irikri merely listened, her gaze cast downwards as she casually poured another cup of tea.

"Saer Lon's explaining how you came to be referred to us," Nem Koel muttered before taking a sip from her own cup. At Suthe's blank stare, she continued, "Y'know...Uhi?"

Suthe sucked in a breath.

"Right, right." Though she had just set down her tea, Suthe picked it up again and took a sip to clear her head, only to nearly spit it out as she took too big of a gulp and burned her tongue. Nem Koel certainly noticed her blunder, and perhaps the attendant behind Irikri also sent a questioning gaze in her direction. But Saer Lon and Irikri, at least, still seemed to be focused on their conversation.

Suthe firmly set the cup back down, staring hard at the table. Definitely no more tea, then.

A nudge at her side had her looking back up. Saer Lon and Irikri had finished talking, and now all eyes were on her.

"Irikri would like to know what you're looking for," Nem Koel whispered.

"Ah, okay." Suthe fought to keep her expression relaxed while her mind raced. So much had happened since the previous night, and she needed to be sure she had the story straight. "There's a ring that's been in my family for generations, since before the Pretian Split."

She paused as Nem Koel began to translate.

"I believe it's been stolen, by someone who saw the value of a Pretian antique and wished to make a profit," she continued. "I figured the best course of action was to find an expert in Pretian designs and rare stones, and see if they had heard of anything like my ring being sold in the smuggler's market."

Irikri made a remark, and Suthe turned to Nem Koel.

"She asked what the ring looks like."

"It's silver, with dragons on either side of a blue stone." Suthe tried to pretend she wasn't bothered by Irikri's piercing stare. The actor's eyes never deviated to Nem Koel once the entire time she translated.

"Uh..." Nem Koel hesitated at Irikri's next words. "She'd like to know what kind of blue stone."

Suthe froze. What kind of blue stone? They had never gone over that in their preparations. She hadn't known there was more than one – how many different kinds were there? Should she just say it looked like the ones on the clockwork soldier boxes, or was that too obvious? What kind of blue stone would be most likely chosen for a legendary pair of undefeatable swords?

"Namija?" Nem Koel asked, a sure sign that Suthe was taking too long in answering. "Um, you mentioned the stone before, right?"

All the while, Irikri was silently staring at Suthe, her eyes as bright as the jewels in her hair. Did she know it was all a lie?

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