Chapter 40: The Secrets of the Swords, Part 2

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Ulsper let out an impatient breath. "There's no time—"

"I cannot let time pressure me into making rash decisions," Enji interrupted, his left hand tightening its grip around Nem Koel's shoulder. "Just because you, a Sylterran, come here with a seemingly helpless girl from Montmyth and a soldier from my own country does not mean that you are not scheming to get your own way. There are few who would be so selfless."

"More desperate than selfless, I'd say," Nem Koel muttered despite herself. For once, Enji did not cut deeper into her wound.

"From the way I see it," Enji continued, "Sylterra could have just selected a few talented actors and, through bribery or blackmail, convinced you to find me. Or, you're acting on your own as you say, but as a band of misfits, intent on claiming the power of the swords for yourselves. For what purpose? To be the next ones to usurp the Andilirish throne, and start a reign of your own? Or perhaps you just enjoy throwing people's lives into chaos?"

"Like we'd even have time to draw up a scheme like that! Ulsper's wanted by his own people, and she can't go home!" Nem Koel growled, squirming against the smuggler's merciless grip, despite the renewed rivulets of blood trickling down her skin at the motion. "That's all she wants to do, and that's all I'm trying to help her do by finding these stupid swords. Her country tried to take her, but she ran away. I don't really understand it but she just shows up places, and she's been all over this continent trying to help. We have enough chaos already—we're just trying to get things back to normal!"

"Ulsper, what's going on?" Suthe called from the side, unable to stay silent any longer. "Can't you ask him to stop hurting Nem Koel?"

"Suthe, stay where you are," he warned, trying to keep his tone steady, and painfully aware of how quickly the situation was deteriorating.

"I can't! My leg is cramping!" she shot back. "You three have just been shouting at each other this whole time, and we're getting nowhere closer to any answers, I can tell!"

She straightened up, and Enji took a step back, moving Nem Koel with him.

"I said don't move," the smuggler repeated.

"I told you," Ulsper began, "she doesn't understand—"

He broke off at the sound of shouts and marching feet outside the warehouse door.

"You've led them here," Enji said, his expression grim as his gaze darted between Ulsper and Suthe.

"It was an accident," Nem Koel said.

One of Enji's brows quirked in disbelief. "With a Sylterran among you, you'll forgive me if I can't quite believe that."

"We're trying to prevent a war," Ulsper said. His explanation was rushed over the shouted orders coming from outside. "I was here in Sang Bur when the Lanfu family was killed and Yun Sao took over. All of Andilir was thrown into a chaos that hurt many innocent people, and Montmyth and Sylterra were looking for any weakness to exploit and gain the upper hand. I don't want something like that to happen again. Now that there's proof of the Twin Blades' existence beyond legend, I don't doubt that the three countries would look to exploit each other's weaknesses again. The Twin Blades bring victory, but they also come at a high price, and Pretia was no exception to those repercussions."

Enji's eyes were dark and serious as he thought over Ulsper's words. "If you're truly concerned about the welfare of my country, then it's not the swords you should be going after."

Ulsper shook his head. "I don't understand." Outside, he could hear more footsteps and shouting, but there was no attempt to open the door of the warehouse just yet. They still had a little time.

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