58. Midnight Cravings

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Forever's not enough time to Love you the way that I want

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Forever's not enough time to
Love you the way that I want

Justin's P.O.V

I couldn't stop staring down at the pregnancy test in my hand. The digital test which indeed had 'pregnant' flashing on it.

After the celebration of our birthdays, we announced our pregnancy to our family and closest friends when we all came back home which led us to celebrating again at the amazing news. After that, Charlotte and I decided to head to our bedroom so we could spend the rest of the night with each other and rest. While the rest of the family left to their own house.

Since we both entered our bedroom, I have not stopped staring at the digital pregnancy test, the one Charlotte has surprised me with. I just wanted to stare at it for eternity. I felt as if I take my eyes away from it even for a split second, I'll wake up from the amazing dream I was having.

That's the thing, it wasn't a dream. It was reality. A beautiful reality.

I couldn't believe my Charlotte was pregnant with my baby. She had our baby growing inside her womb. We were really going to be parents in nine months. After nine months, I will get to meet a little human. A human who was created with mine and Charlotte's love. He/she is going to be so small. So fragile. So precious.

I won't lie, I was already getting apprehensive. What if I fail at being a father? What if I don't end up being the father he/she wants me to be? What if I fail Charlotte? I just want to be the best father I possibly can be for my children. But how will I be able to control the anxiousness and the fear I was feeling? All I knew was that I need to give them the best. I may not become the perfect father but I was going to try to become the best father my children could ever have.

I sighed and looked down at the pregnancy test again and then it hit me, for like the hundredth time tonight.

"I'm going to be a father." I whispered.
"Oh my God." I whispered again and my eyes widened a little. There is a little human growing inside Charlotte's womb. A little human who will call me 'daddy' and Charlotte 'mommy'. I thought.

We still have so much to prepare. Nine months aren't that long, and we still have so much to do. We will have to decorate his/her nursery. We will have to buy clothes, crib, car seat and so much more. We only have nine fucking months to prepare.

"I see you are still staring at the pregnancy test." Charlotte said making me snap out of my train of thoughts and look at her. Her hair was a little wet from the shower she has just taken. She claimed that she was feeling too warm for her liking and decided to take a shower. She walked over and sat down beside me on the bed. I saw her smiling softly at me which made me smile back.

"It feels too good to be real. What if I'm dreaming?" I anxiously run my tongue across my bottom lip. I was expecting her to reply her with some sweet answer but what she did next was unexpected. She pinched my tattoed arm sharply, "Nope. It's real."

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