50. The Argument

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But with every falling apart there is a coming together

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But with every falling apart
there is a coming together.

Charlotte's P.O.V

*few days ago*

I sighed frustratedly and slammed a pillow against my face. I was feeling so annoyed and frustrated right now and this frustration was eating me alive but I wasn't able to share it into words with anyone even if I tried to. Do you feel like you have so much to talk about but you can't form it into proper words and talk about it to that one person who, you know, will understand your situation? That's how I was feeling right now.

Last few days had turned out to be really disturbing for me. And the reason behind it was only one thing. Or more like only one person.

And that person was Gianna.

Gianna Michaels, a twenty years old model. A woman who has big dreams and had come into the industry to live those dreams. She was beautiful but was a really annoying woman from my opinion. She was currently dating the famous thirty two years old actor, Elijah Wilson. They had been together for a year now and there are so many rumors over them about how Gianna was just using him for fame and money but nobody knows the truth as none of them had addressed the rumors. And I was never going to believe any rumor until and unless the person about whom the rumor is about addresses it.

But how do I know all of this information? Only one answer. The Girls. As soon as they got to know about her, they became Sherlock Holmes and started researching on her and told me everything. Her social media followers, friends, family background and each and every detail. I clearly was shocked when they came over with these informations to me because I wasn't expecting them at all. They even met her few days ago and let's just say that our opinions are similar now.

How? Because since Justin and I had met her, she was always interrupting us. If Justin and I were alone, she always comes in between and hang out with us even when neither of us wants her to but we never say anything because we don't want to be rude. She has been trying to make her place in our private and special 'us' time we have for each other and neither Justin and I are too happy with it. She had even interrupted one of our date by tagging along and never had one ounce of guilt about it. And just because I didn't say something over it doesn't mean it didn't bother me at all.

Excuse me but why can't she just hang out with her own boyfriend? Does she likes being a third wheel with us? Only she knows the answers of these questions.

I huffed in annoyance. Why was I thinking so much about her?

"Babe you went Victoria Secrets without ME!?" Justin suddenly burst through my bedroom door but as soon as he saw me, his graze softened and the playfulness in them was gone. He knew something was bugging me.

"You okay?" He softly asked as he got in the bed beside me. I hummed and kissed his lips.

"Just thinking." I mumbled against his lips. "So what were you talking about?" I playfully asked and he grinned even though we both knew he was going to question me later on. "I was just watching Bella's recent video with you guys and you went shopping for 'ropa interior' without me!? Didn't we decide that you'll only go to Victoria Secrets WITH me?" He said making me laugh loudly. "Excuse me Mr. Boyfriend but please do remind me when did we decided that?" I said putting my palm under my chin as I looked up at him with a playful grin on my face.

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