Chapter 12

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After Tom had left the library you played a few more songs on the grand piano. You eventually got tired and decided to go to bed. You slowly walked the halls of the manor, running your hand gently along the cold walls, taking in every painting placed along them. When you reached your bed room door you heard Tom.

You decided it was best to give it a few minutes and turned to Oliver's room. You knock and he appears half dressed at the door. Once he sees it's you he lets you in. "Sorry for the timing, I just came to say goodnight" you say trying to avert your eyes from his perfect body. "So you're really going to sleep with him?" He asks while pulling a shirt on. "What choice do I really have" you respond a moment latter.

You both sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes. He brakes it saying "You could stay here for the night. Just tell him you aren't comfortable staying with him right now." "Oh yeah that will go over really well, he wants me yet I sleep here with you" you mention while rolling your eyes. He scoffs "he can't just expect you to sleep with him after he basically kidnaps you" "well his mind works different Oliver. I should probably be going. Goodnight" you say while heading for the door. "Goodnight y/n" he whispers as you step out the door.

You reach your bed room door again. You don't hear Tom so you take a deep breath and open the door. After glancing inside he isn't anywhere to be seen, but the bathroom door is closed. You move over to the bed to see a pair of black silk pajamas laying on the bed with a note that just says your name. You sign and put them on. Then you slip into bed and close your eyes.

A few moments later you hear the both from door open. You don't want to roll over to face him so you stay put and leave your eyes closed. "Y/n I didn't see you there" he says startled as he moves around the bed. You open your eyes and just look up at him. "Sorry if I woke you love" he sounded somewhat sympathetic. You don't respond. He crawls into bed next to you and reached out and pulls you close against his bare chest. You became very aware of the fact he was only wearing black silk pajama pants as he help you right to his body.

Yo I place your hand on his chest and push your face away trying to hide your pink cheeks. He smiles softly and kisses the top of your head. "No need to be embarrassed around me dear. Just get comfy and sleep well. Goodnight" he let go of you and turned around so his back faced you. You felt better.

Midnight hit and you were laying awake in bed unable to sleep. You were so cold that you had recently began to shiver. Tom had rolled back over in his sleep so he was now facing you. You slowly reach up and carefully move the fallen hair from his face. His cheeks flush slightly in his sleep. You finally give in after a few minutes and inch closer to him and rest your head against his chest while trying to wrap your arms around him for warmth.

Suddenly his arms closed around you. You remove your head from his chest and look up at his face. A soft smile was peaking at his lips. He looked down at you and the smile grew slightly. "Cold?" He asked in his deep morning voice. You nod and place your face back into his chest. He moves his one hand and intertwines it with yours. "Salazars sake! Your hands are freezing" he exclaims holding you closer. His other hand rubs your back. You eventually stop shivering and fall asleep in his arms, face still placed in his chest.

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