Chapter 14

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You rush to get dressed still watching the bathroom door to make sure it doesn't open. Once you finish you brush your hair and hesitantly walk to the door. You pause and listen for Tom. Nothing. You open the door and he's standing near the large fireplace. You quietly walk towards to door hoping to be unnoticed.

But of course he notices you. He snaps his head around as you get closer to the door. "Where you going love?" He questions. "Just thought I'd see if Oliver was awake and maybe go for a walk" you reply. His eyes slide back to the roaring fire. "Very well" he then turns and heads to the bathroom. You hear the shower start and feel that it's safe to leave the room.

You knock on Oliver's door. After a moment he opens the door and lets you in. "Sorry just got out of the shower" he says while guiding you into the room. His hair is soaking wet and he's only wear a towel around his waist. You try not to look down at his body but you can't help it. He's fit. He cracks a smile when he noticed you looking him up and down. "All from quidditch. Gotta be strong to stop the quaffle you know" you look away as the words reach your ears.

"Anything I can do for you?" He asks after a moment of silence. "Just came to see if you were awake. I was thinking about going for a walk. Care to join?" "Sounds great. Just give me a moment to get dressed" he turned to his dresser to pull out clothes. You walk over to the window and stare out while waiting for him to change.

"Now don't look y/n" he chuckles and you hear the towel drop. You can feel your cheeks get slightly redder at the thought. After a moment he gives you permission to turn back around. He's wearing nice pants with a nice turtle neck that looks very comfy.

The two of you walk out the back doors of the kitchen into the mid morning air. It was a bit chilly but you didn't mind it. There's a path at the edge of the woods that you can see from the back patio. As you reach the edge of the woods you turn and look back at the house. Your bathroom window is covered in steam. You figure that's a good thing because it meant you can't see if Tom is there.


The two of you walk in silence for what feels like forever. You stick to the path and admire the trees and life around. Finally you break the silence "he touched me this morning..." Oliver looks over at you with rage and doesn't respond. "Well last night he pulled me in to cuddle but I pushed away. But then in the middle of the night I got cold and cuddled up to him not thinking. I accidentally woke him up and he held me closer..." Oliver still doesn't respond but he's stopped walking and is now holding both of your hands in his. His dark brown eyes looking deep into yours. "After I showered this morning, I-I went to my dresser to grab clothes and he came up behind me and grabbed my hips. I was only in a towel. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. I was scared."

Oliver begins to run circles on the backs of your hands with his thumbs to comfort you as you find the strength to finish the story. "And-and then he-he...he told me I could take to towel off or he could do it for me." Oliver's rage grew a significant amount. His face got redder. "But-but then he slipped his hand into my towel and started to run his hand up my side...I couldn't move. I was scared. Eventually I found the courage to move and I ran to the bathroom and got dressed making sure he didn't walk in. Oliver I don't feel safe here. I'm scared of what he could do to me."

Oliver releases his grip from your hands and pulls you into a tight hug. You sink into him and feel the world around you melt away. You feel safe for once. After a moment he lets go. "I'm so sorry y/n. I'm not going to let him touch you ever again. I promise." He then puts his around around your waist and pulls you in close as he begins to walk back down the path.

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