chapter fourteen - an arrival

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Aurora was sat at the pianoforte alongside Daphne in the Bridgerton sitting room when a carriage arrived outside the house and three young men bounded up the steps

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Aurora was sat at the pianoforte alongside Daphne in the Bridgerton sitting room when a carriage arrived outside the house and three young men bounded up the steps.

The Bridgerton family was most surprised at these unexpected visitors, any gentleman callers would usually have left long ago. And so they were even more surprised at the tree men who can bursting into the room thus halting Aurora’s playing.

“Gosh what an awful racket, our sister must be playing!” Exclaimed a tall brown haired boy who was stood at the front of the trio.

“William! I did not think you would be arriving so soon!”

Aurora leaped from the pianoforte and engulfed her eldest brother in a hug.

“Lady Bridgerton, you must excuse the intrusion” William spoke, “we visited my uncle’s house and were informed that my sister was visiting you.”

Lady Bridgerton simply smiled “not at all. You must stay for dinner.”

“You are too kind my Lady.”

Aurora turned to the other two boys eagerly. She embraced the second one first, he was slightly smaller than his brother with long hair that flopped around messily.

“Alexander!” Aurora called, ruffling his hair, “I am so glad you joined us”

“Mother made me.” Alexander responded with a faux frown.

“Do I not get a hug?” Called a voice from the back. Julius Grey.

Julius Grey was a young lad of eighteen. He was what one might call the ‘black sheep’ of the Grey family. Borne from an affair between their father and a princess during a trip across Europe, Julius was a mixed race child with dark bronze skin. He was exceedingly attractive and knew it.

“No, Julius. For you have not yet written to me.” Aurora was most angry at him, for she had been in London an entire week!

“I received your letter the very day that we departed. There would have been no point in me responding if I had arrived here before it did.”

“Well I did not know you were coming so soon, did I?”

Julius rolled his eyes. “This is why you are my least favourite sister.”

“I am your only sister!” Replied Aurora incredulously.

“And therefore, by default, my least favourite.” Smirked Julius, “Daphne you’re looking lovely.” He barged past Aurora to greet the eldest Bridgerton girl.

Aurora was now stood with Alexander, William having seated himself between Colin and Benedict who were fighting over whose horse was taller.

Alexander leant down and whispered in Aurora’s ear.

“William wishes to speak to you regarding Bridgerton’s proposal.”

Aurora gasped, “how does he know?”

“I am not sure. But he was not best pleased. I think the Viscount is in for a rather uncomfortable conversation this evening.”

“Rightly so.” It was clear to Alexander that Aurora’s feelings on the matter were mixed.

“Father seemed oddly pleased by the prospect I shan’t lie to you.”

At this Aurora turned to face her brother, “father?! He approved of the match?”

“Yes I was quite surprised too.”


I did not realise how short this part was until I uploaded it onto here.

I promise I will endeavour to make the next part longer!

Also, I've started another story so do check it out!

V x

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