chapter thirty two - a quarrel between rakes

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After their conversation, Aurora and Anthony had drifted apart to talk to the other members of London society who were also promenading in the park.

Aurora had been catching up with Lord Harding when she noticed her new friend had arrived along with two young gentlemen.

She bid Harding farewell and headed over in their direction. Mary was delighted to see her and instantly suggested the four of them take a promenade across the bridge together.

Mary was about to walk off in that direction when she realised that she was yet to formally introduce Aurora to her companions.

"Aurora, this is Percy Shelley and the Lord Byron. Boys, this is Lady Aurora Grey, she is Earl Grey's daughter."

The Grey girl did not need to look twice at Mary and Percy to see the affection shared between them and she knew immediately that there must have been some intention of marriage between the two. She was happy for her friend as (from what she had heard) Percy was very much compatible with her and would make an excellent husband.

Of George Gordon, however, she had not heard such pleasant things. Indeed, he was widely known throughout society to be a most terrible rake.

Regardless, she knew she must be civil to the both of them.

"Mr Shelley, I am delighted."

"As am I, my Lady. Mary has spoken often of you and very fondly." The tall, curly haired young man looked down at her friend with an adorable smile.

Aurora turned to the other man who was slightly smaller, though a little more muscular, who had a messy flop of dark brown hair which framed his exceedingly handsome face.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Sir."

"Please, call me Byron. All my closest friends do" came his charming response, accompanied with his swoon-worthy smirk.

At that, Byron bowed and gently took her hand in his, placing a tender kiss upon it and all the while maintaining her gaze. Aurora had never felt such intimacy before and it made her feel quite uncomfortable. Especially considering the conversation she had had with her mother.

Anthony noticed Gordon's display from across the garden and was quick to put him in his place. He strode across to where Aurora was stood with the gaggle of writers and was quick to introduce himself. He recalled Gordon's behaviour from their days together at Eton and later Oxford, and he was not remotely pleased at Gordon's being within five miles of his intended.

"Gordon, I haven't seen you in a while. Perhaps you'd like to come have a catch up with me?" There was something in Anthony's tone which told the young man that it was not up for debate.

"Of course, old boy."

With that, the two nodded their good-byes to the rest of the group and headed off down the path that ran parallel to the river.

Once the Viscount was certain he had made it out of hearing distance from the others, he spoke to Byron.

"I have never had cause for disagreement with you before Gordon, but know this: if you ever make a flirtation or advancement on my wife again I will challenge you. I have done so before and would happily again if it meant protecting her honour." The Viscount's tone was cool and unfeeling.

"She not your wife yet though is she" came Byron's teazing response.

This infuriated the Bridgerton and he had to take a deep breath to prevent himself from attacking the man.

"I mean it, Gordon. Leave her alone. She is not one of your prostitutes, she is a lady and shall be treated as such. If you behave in any way towards her that is not entirely respectable then you will have the families of Grey, Bridgerton, Basset and Marlborough as your enemies."

Byron chuckled and shook his head.

"I would never come between the love that you share. Indeed, I hope to become a close friend of the lady as she is most remarkable. But that is all I swear, although I think your willingness to defend her honour is most noble. Were I not labelled a rake by Whistledown I would hope for a love as tender as what you feel. Do not be concerned, she is yours."

Anthony frowned at Byron's final comment.

"My word Gordon, you have an awful lot to learn about women. She is not 'mine', she is a person not an object."

Anthony nodded a goodbye and turned back on himself, heading back in the direction from whence they had come.

The Lord stared after him with a look of mirth across his features.

"She has you wrapped around her little finger, Bridgerton" he muttered before following in the Viscount's steps.


I cannot express to you how much I am enjoying including the Romantics in this. Their dramatic presence is now predominantly over, however, they will likely return on occasion throughout the series.

Also, if you're not aware Mary and I are practically best friends at this point - I'm certain we would have been if we'd coexisted within the same period. So I hope you love her and the boys as much as I do!

Valentina x

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