Mutation Extended Summary

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Mutation Extended Summary:

Tam Brooks lives in the post-apocalyptic area where supernaturals rule over every being in an area once known before as "North and South America". Humans are at the bottom of the social pyramid and are only allowed to reside in the eastern part of what is left of "United States". They are treated as slaves by the supernaturals. Every year, as a punishment for the humans losing the Paranormal Bloodshed, five seventeen year olds are sent to the Super Metropolis to get Turned. Being Turned means abandoning your family and becoming a Supernatural yourself.

Tam finds out she is part of a project used to rebel against against the Supernaturals. Unbeknownst to her for almost seventeen years, she had been injected with a shot that genetically mutated genes when she was a baby, giving her potential powers that some Supernaturals may possess. A fighting base was created along with the project to train those like Tam. They would be the chance between eternal enslavement and freedom. They are humans' only chance.

If it's anything Tam learned in her past seventeen years of living, it's to trust no one.

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