Chapter 03.

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BEFORE YOU QUICKLY assume that these rebels are on the humans' side, well let me assure you that they're not.  There are some people who believe these rebels will bring positive change to the society, but personally I think they just want to wreck havoc among us.  Not doing any positive change, last time I checked.

I was probably the only human who didn't find shelter.  Already I spot the Supernatural soldiers heading down, knocking down everything they see in sight, including living creatures.  I gulped.  Everyone had taken the good hiding spots.  Guess the only choice for me is to die, right on this spot.

A hand quickly grabs at me and pulls me down.  I open my mouth to scream for help, but the hand clamps my mouth shut.  I look at my attacker with confused and angry eyes.  "You should be thanking me," said the person.  It was a male voice.  I readjusted my eyes.  We were in a dark and deep hole.  Probably in some ditch near the market.  Looking around, I see he was right.  Laser shooters were slicing up fruits and firing relentlessly.  

I nodded curtly toward my savior.  He seemed to accept this and put one finger to his lips and used his index to point at the fight above us.  I shushed up, knowing this meant that one of the rebels were right next to us.  They take anyone they find captive.  

The rebel did not have a laser shooter, which was a relief because those things are lethal, but he did have two impressive knives in each hand.  "Find anyone?" he asked his partner in crime.  

"No, just this elderly lady hobbling by, drinking some water."  Madge!  I resisted from shouting some vulgar words at the rebels.  I truly liked Madge, I really did.  But I had common sense, and the common sense in me was telling me I couldn't take on a whole bunch of armed killing machines.

"She's not much use to us.  What does the descendant of a stupid fresh water naiad have that can help us overthrow the Supernaturals?  It's not like she can just splash some fresh water to their faces and then we have the government under our control."

"But she's still a Supernatural, and she must have family that love her so much they wouldn't mind backstabbing their leader just to save their loved one."

"You mean we should use her as bait?" 

"Yes.  Isn't that what the Padrone said?  We need something more than just killing off them.  We need blackmail.  Besides, if we let her go, she's going to blab her mouth off and they might find out where the headquarters is."

"Okay, good plan.  Now, let's go kill some Supernaturals."  They raced off, eager to satiate their lust for murder.

I couldn't process all the information.  The rebels wanted to take over the government, not help us gain our democracy?  Hardly surprising.  But the fact that they started kidnapping Supernaturals came as a shock to me.  Normally they kidnap humans to make them into a rebel.  Whatever were they up to now? 

The boy had already crawled out of the ditch and offered his hand to me.  I rejected it, climbing out by myself.  I studied the boy.  Brown eyes, black hair. "Sean," he said gruffly.  I was about to introduce myself but a Supernatural soldier interrupted us.  Seems like the Supernaturals won the battle this time. 

"Listen up you horrible maggots.  This market is to be closed for fighting purposes.  Pack up your lack of belongings and go back to where you are supposed to be and stay there.  Anyone caught in the premises starting tomorrow will be whipped publicly."  His loud voice boomed over us.  Humans were muttering angry whispers.  

"...  This is our home..."

"... but my kids are expecting some money!  I can't afford to..."

The soldier heard all these complaints using his enhanced hearing. He barked at us. "I don't care about these petty problems.  We are helping you survive.  The least you can do is offer up some property for us to fight in.  Now SCRAM!"

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