Chapter 15

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A/N: Loki's voice: surpriissee~

Melanie's POV

"Irina was here and saw Renesmee," Bella alerted us once everyone gathered in the living room.

I frowned at that, holding Junior close to my chest. "That's strange," I thought out loud. "Irina would have told me that she was coming...why didn't she?"

"Why was she here?" Esme added. "Why did she leave?"

"Do you think she saw Renesmee and thought of her as an immortal child?" I wondered. "That would make sense why she ran away..."

"Why?" Bella asked confused. "What are immortal children?"

"Children that were turned into vampires like us. Like it said in the old book, remember?"

"That would make sense why she would run away," Carlisle agreed grimly. "The Denali sisters lost their mother due to her creating an immortal child. They were spared by the Volturi by a small chance."

I whipped out my phone from my back pocket, dialling her number. She didn't answer.

"We'll leave it for now," Carlisle decided for us all. "Irina hasn't made up her mind yet, hasn't she?" Alice shook her head, looking focussed as she stared into the distance.

In an attempt to ease the tension in the room, Edward played a couple of notes on the grand piano he sat in front of, looking to Renesmee to finish it - her song.

We all smiled as we watched the father-daughter moment, some of us eventually drifting away to do our things.

Jasper moved away from me to sit on the couch with Junior, reading a book to him. I stood up from the ground with Alice's help, the two of us moving around to decorate the home some more.

But although the two of us were moving around, we were both looking into the future, trying to see what was happening. I was looking at Irina's future, while Alice was looking at the rest of the Denalis, the both of us trying to find some answers on Irina's whereabouts.

At one point the two of us paused midstep, seeing Irina walking somewhere sunny. It looked very familiar to this particular castle...

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," Edward said to us once we snapped out of it. I raised an eyebrow at him doubtfully.

"Paranoid~" Jasper sang out quietly in between reading to our son. I poked my tongue out at him childishly, grabbing the second vase that Alice wanted me to carry. It was a very beautiful one; white with wavy blue patterns and Lillies on it.

I should go to Alice and Esme a lot more for some interior advice.

Just as Renesmee played the last notes of her song, that's when Alice and I were forced into another vision - one that horrified us to the point we both dropped the vases we were holding.

Irina was escorted by two guards from the Volturi, evidently in Volterra. She stood in front of the three kings, Aro appearing in front of her in a blink of an eye, already grabbing her hand to see all her thoughts. "Ah..." he rasped out absently. "It seems Carlisle and his coven have broken a sacred law..." He smiled eerily. "More than one, it seems..."

The last thing I saw in the vision was Irina standing there uncomfortably, looking like she regretted what she had just done...

"Melanie!" Jasper snapped anxiously, grabbing me before I fell to my knees.

"Alice? Melanie?" Bella called as well, appearing at Alice's side.

"It was Irina!" the pixie woman exclaimed horrified.

"She went to the Volturi," I added, looking at Jasper fearfully. He immediately hugged me tight, carrying me to the couch where Junior crawled onto our laps. I held onto Junior tightly.

Bella, having similar thoughts, held her hand out to her daughter. "Come here, sweetie..."

"I'll call Eleazer and see what they know," Carlisle stated, walking out of the room.

"It's no use," I murmured glumly, looking into the future again. "They're coming, the Volturi, and they're not coming to talk..."

"We can talk to them!" Esme insisted. "We just need them to listen to us!"

"They won't listen," Edward shook his head, his lips pursed. "They saw enough from Irina."

"She must have truly thought that Renesmee was an immortal child."

"She wasn't turned, she was born!" Bella snapped.

"They don't know that," I shook my head regretfully. "Irina never read the book. She didn't want to be near it when I told her it contained some information concerning the immortal children."

"We need witnesses, then," Edward stated. "To prove that Renesmee isn't what they think she is."

"We got some friends from around the world, they were at Bella's wedding, some of them," Esme suggested.

"We need all the help we can get, contact everyone we know," Alice instructed.

"Even Peter and Charlotte?" Jasper asked sadly.

"Even Peter and Charlotte," his best friend said gravely. Both Jasper and I frowned; if we had to invite them as well, then that means this situation was very serious...and dangerous. We never let Peter and Charlotte be part of our messes, not since Maria. "I need to look more!" Alice cried out urgently, grabbing Jasper's hand. He was lifted out of his seat beside me, the man looking startled from being pulled away from his family.

"Whoa, why do you need him?" I demanded, grabbing his free hand that wasn't held by Alice.

"No time Melanie, I need to concentrate, see what's going on," she waved off, most of her attention on looking to the future. "I can't see much when Jacob is here, I need to go somewhere else."

"Let me come with you!" I argued, "I'm not staying here without him when we are in danger. Why do you need him anyway?"

"Melanie," Jasper soothed, pulling away from his best friend to sit beside me again, grabbing my hands. "It's going to be okay I'll be back soon. Don't stress yourself. I need to be with her and calm her down so she doesn't get overwhelmed - and no," He sent me a stern look. "I don't want you using your powers; this pregnancy drains you out more than when you were carrying Junior. You need to be careful and let Alice do the job of looking into the future, okay?"

I shook my head rapidly, expressing to him my fear and concern. I had already lost him from the war with Maria, and I did not want to lose him from the Volturi - and what's worse is that they know me now (although they already probably knew I existed due to Jane and the others seeing me before). Since they looked into Irina's mind, they saw me for sure. This is more of an excuse for them now to see us...

I'm not meant to be existing.

"I promise I will come back," Jasper vowed, kissing me. "I love you," he said to me before he was dragged away by Alice to go deep into the forest. I didn't have time to say it back to him...

"Come on," Rosalie murmured as she flitted to my side, "this worrying won't be good for the baby."

With a heavy sigh, I followed Rosalie to Jasper and my room, Junior safely held in my arms.

Why did it feel like a goodbye when Jasper and Alice left?

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