Chapter 13

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Melanie's POV

After everyone cooled down from the interesting scene outside, we all went back inside the house where Bella reunited again with her daughter, Jacob keeping his distance from the newborn mother. Which was expected and necessary; newborns at early stages can be very possessive, protective, and aggressive when needed. And since she's a mother, those characteristics have increased vastly.

"It's almost six o'clock," Carlisle noted as he entered the living room after grabbing his journal where he took notes of Renesmee.

"So?" Bella looked at us confused.

"It's time to measure Ness - er, I mean Renesmee," Carlisle was quick to correct himself when Bella scowled at the nickname, amusing me greatly. Though I have no idea why she would react this greatly from a mere nickname...

Is it because the nickname is after a Loch ness monster? Is she really offended that her daughter is nicknamed after a monster? I mean, technically, we are monsters, in a way...

Renesmee obeyed her grandfather (still bewildered us that she can understand), crawling to Carlisle with him helping her stand up so he could measure her against the wall.

"Why are you doing it?" the mother asked, itching to grab her daughter again. I sent her a look of understanding, Jasper kissing my cheek comfortingly. Only mothers can relate to this kind of worry and protectiveness towards their children...

"She grows fast for a normal person," Carlisle explained while jotting down notes, making sure Renesmee didn't fall at the same time.

"And that's not normal?"

"It is," I assured the panicking woman, sending calm her way, "for these kinds of vampires." Jasper nodded from beside me, speaking up as well.

"We're just checking to see if she's acting like from the book, and not in any danger," he said to her, rocking Jr back and forth in his arms.

"Come on, Bella!" Alice chirped as she skipped into the living room, successfully steering the topic off to a more lighthearted one. "We have a birthday present for you!"

"I stopped aging when I got turned," Bella deadpanned. Jasper and I chuckled at the two younger females, leaving the room to let Alice take Bella and Edward to their own little cottage.


The next day

The phone rang throughout the whole house, everyone sighing at the scheduled call except Bella. "Is it Charlie?" she asked us.

"He's been calling once a day," Carlisle answered, picking up the phone to answer. "Tomorrow we'll tell him you died from the sickness. We have to pack up after that," And with that, he walked away from everyone to answer Charlie.

"Wait, you guys have to leave?" Jacob spoke up, evidently surprised and confused.

"She could kill him if she's ever near him," Jasper stated.

"It's too dangerous," I sighed. "And not only that, the Volturi would come after him if he knew about us vampires...we're doing this to protect him, even though we don't like it."

Jacob didn't say anything else, leaving the house. He's up to something, I could feel it...

"Darlin'?" Jasper snapped me out of my thoughts with a light touch to my stomach. "It's time to feed you and our little one,"

"Hmm," I mused, the thought of drinking some human blood making me smile instinctively.

All thoughts of Jacob making some plan disappeared from my mind, replaced instead with thoughts of feeding our second child.

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