The Christmas Bet: Part 3

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Akaashi and Bokuto were walking around the city, the sky glittering with all it's stars. They had decided to make a short trip to the convenience store to get some ice scream for their movie night.

As they made their way out of the store, Bokuto spotted something in the corner of his vision. Akaashi looked at Bokuto with a raised eyebrow when he stopped all of a sudden.

"Did something happen, Kou?"

Bokuto squinted his eyes as he stared at the pathway across the street. "Akaashi, isn't that Sakkun?" he said as he pointed.

Akaashi turned his attention across the street and saw two figures walking in in hand, an identical pair of meatbuns in their hands. One of the figures was facing the other way so Akaashi couldn't identify them, but the other one he could easily identify as the Jackals number 15, Sakusa Kiyoomi.

"I believe that is him."

"Well, wouldn't that mean that the other guy is his boyfriend that he was talking about?"

"You're probably right, Kou."

Akaashi looked at the other figure more carefully. They had a beanie hat on and a maroon scarf wrapped snuggle around his neck. He wore a black coat that seemed a size too big for him, so he could only assume that it belonged to the spiker. All in all he was dressed appropriately for the cold night but it made it extremely hard identify any features on them. The man was definitely shorter than Sakusa though, if only by a few inches.

Before he could spot any other features on him, the couple turned at the next corner.

"...should we tell the gc what we just saw?"

"Yes Kou, I think we should."




Sakusa's boyfriend?!?!

Bokuto: Guys!!!

Bokuto: Listen!!


Akaashi: Calm down, bokuto


Hinata: Tell us what?

Kageyama: What do you think idiot

Kuroo: This better be what I think it is

Inunaki: Barnes false alarm last week really annoyed everyone

Barnes: I said I'm sorry!

Barnes: they just looked similar ok!!

Meian: 'They' was kuroo.

Barnes: He had his hair down!

Kenma: I mean, I guess I can see the resemblance

Bokuto: Hey, quit ignoring me :(((

Akaashi: Bokuto, just say it already

Bokuto: Ok ok no need to rush me!

Bokuto: Akaashi and I saw Sakkun with his boyfriend

Osamu: are you sure it was sakusa?

Akaashi: I can confirm, it was definitely sakusa

Suna: Well, did ya get any pictures of them

Bokuto: no...

Bokuto:  but akaashi got a good look at them!!!

Yaku: Is this true?

Akaashi: well, I couldn't really see much since it was dark, but I did notice a few things

Lev: Tell us tell us!!

Akaashi: Well for one, the guy was shorter than him.

Akaashi: But only by a few inches. maybe 3??

Oikawa: well, did anyone bet on someone taller than sakkun??

Meian: not many probably.

Barnes: about that....

Inunaki: I think I'd be right to guess that most of us bet on captain.

Meian: Wha-

Hinata: I did

Meian: wai-

Bokuto: Me too!

Meian: whe-

Kageyama: me too

Ushijima: I did as well

Tendou: I didn't :p

Yaku: I did too..


Osamu: Imma make this short and just say this

Osamu: A lot of people bet on you, Meian-san

Lev: But I thought Meian-san was married?

Tendou: he is married, Lev.

Inunaki: wait, is this true captain??

Meian: YES

Meian: You guys have already met her!!

Barnes: really??


Hinata: I thought she was your sister!

Bokuto: Me too!

Meian: Well, cut me off the list cause it sure as hell ain't me and Aiko sure as hell ain't my sister

Ushijima: than does that mean that most of us have to change our bets?

 Osamu: Everyone's gonna have to add 500 more yen if they wanna change their bet

Suna: I'm prepared to make that sacrifice

[everyone else agrees]

Akaashi: well, i haven't finished so you guys might wanna wait

Kuroo: alright then akaashi, take the microphone

Akaashi: ....

Kenma: That sounded dumb

Kuroo: I just wanted to sound cool, okay!!

Akaashi: Anyway, they seemed to be more talkative than sakusa.

Akaashi: they also seemed to like meatbuns, since that was the first time I saw sakusa sharing his food with someone

Suna: well, I know who I've got my bet on

Osamu: everyone, get ready to change your bets

Bokuto: Hey hey hey, lets do this!!!

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