7| Jealous

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Chapter 7: Jealous (Evelyn's POV)

"Haha," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes and sitting back in my chair, putting all the name cards away. "So, is Caroline one of the five princesses?" I asked. 

He nodded, "You should meet the others. two have barely spoken to me, one already has a boyfriend, one is a bitch," he shrugged. 

My jaw fell while I stared at him in disbelief. "That's a little blunt, don't you think?" 

"No doubt," he said, pulling himself away from the table. 

"Hmm, yeah, go look nice, go, go," I waved my hand. 

He grinned at me before walking over to Caroline, holding her dresses for her. I looked away and to the front when a client walked over with their dress. I totaled it up and placed it in a bag for them. While printing the receipt, my eyes fell to the street. Because I sit by a huge window, it's bound to happen. 

There I saw Lucas. My face lit up and I smiled involuntarily, but the smile fell within that second. Because he was walking with another girl. 

He's just walking though. 

I turned to the receipt, focusing on that, and took the money, exchanging it for the bag. "Have a great day," I smiled as she walked away. I looked back at Lucas, feeling hurt when I saw that their hands were locked. I know who I have a bone to pick with tomorrow night. I was jealous. I was most certainly jealous. 

Would any girl like it if her boyfriend was holding hands with someone else? Exactly, no. 


I looked up, seeing Archer standing there. "Yes?" I asked. 

He opened his mouth to say something but then nothing came out. 

"Your majesty?" I chuckled. 

"I... forgot." 

I looked at him quizzically. 

"Are you all right?" he asked, looking at me with doubtful eyes. 

I nodded quickly, "Perfect. Can I get you anything?" 

"No, I'm just waiting for her," he said, gesturing to the changing rooms where Caroline had disappeared to. 

"Okay," I said slowly. "Can you please go wait for her there?" I asked, glancing at the seats. 

He looked at me with amusement. "Jealous?" 

"You're holding up a line," I smirked. 

He rolled his eyes, moving aside and standing by the edge of the table. "Can I help or... something?" he mumbled, scratching the back of his head. 

"You're the prince," I said, standing up and grabbing the final bags of prepared orders that had to be kept in the backroom. I turned around, crashing right into him. "Sorry," I said sheepishly, walking around him. 

He opened the door for me, flashing me a charming smile. 

I walked in, placed the bags down, asked my mom if she wanted anything while she sat by her window, stitching more dresses, and then went back out. He was still standing there, holding the door open. "My mother will kill me if she sees you," I sang in a whisper. 

"Sorry," he mumbled, closing the door behind me and standing by the table while I did my job as the cashier. 

Caroline came back out minutes later and Archer visibly straightened out. She wanted to buy three out of the five dresses she took in to try. I did the billing for her, handed her the bag with a smile, and then Archer and she turned to leave. She continued forward but he stopped at my table. 

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