16| Distraction

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Chapter 16: Distraction (Archer's POV)

I was staring right at her eyes. They weren't anything extraordinary, but I thought they were. They weren't a bright hue or green or blue, they were a soft chocolate brown. But you know what they say. Brown eyes are just brown eyes until you fall in love with someone with brown eyes.

I'm not saying I'm in love with her, but you get the point.

She smiled, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, dribbling the ball. She looks fucking beautiful.

My hand brushed hers but I couldn't get the ball and for some reason, I couldn't look away from her eyes either. My eyes flickered down to her lips and she jumped, tossing the ball and scoring. I sighed, watching her with a smile.

Caroline screamed, running up to her and hugging her tightly. Evelyn laughed, hugging her back while looking at me.

The staff all laughed around before leaving. I caught Lucas lingering, looking between Evelyn and me. All the princesses also left, going to shower and clean themselves off.

"Bye," she laughed, waving at Mila and Caroline. She turned around to face me, extending her hand. "Good game."

"Good game," I smirked, shaking her hand. I kept a hold on her hand and yanked her forward with it.

She stumbled, her hands flying to my chest to catch herself. She stopped breathing momentarily before letting out a slow breath. "Hi," she whispered.

"You play very well," I mumbled, my eyes helplessly trained on her lips.

"Thank you," she said softly, looking up at me. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped.

"What?" I asked, looking at her in confusion.

"Your eyes are just very... green."

Yeah, I have green eyes.

"They actually look blue a lot of the time though, don't they?" she asked.

I nodded. "I didn't think you'd notice."

"No, I... I noticed. They get blue in the sun a lot. Green otherwise. Right?" she chuckled.

"Right," I mumbled absentmindedly. "You shouldn't have picked Lucas for your team," I whispered.

"I wanted to give you the opportunity to hit his face with the ball. An opportunity missed nonetheless," she mumbled.

I smiled and then chuckled softly. "You served as a great distraction for that last score."

"A great distraction I am. I guess," she whispered, her eyes shifting from mine to my lips before coming back up to my eyes.

"I really like you, Evelyn," I whispered.

She looked at my eyes. "I figured."

I chuckled, shaking my head.

"I... need more time," she admitted.

"Take all the time you want," I nodded. "Just one thing." I grabbed her hands, locking my fingers with her and pushing her hands down and to the side, pulling her body against mine.

Her breath hitched in her throat and I leaned forward, against her ear.

"For my sake and your own. Stay away from Lucas," I whispered, my voice going lower than I thought it would. I could see the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. I bit back a smile and pulled back.

"Is that a threat?" she asked.

I shook my head, "It's just advice."

"I'll keep that in mind," she mumbled, her hold on my hands tightening subconsciously.

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