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As soon as the doors fly open we begin to walk down the aisle. Everyone else fades away as soon as I see Maxwell.

As soon as our eyes locked it really doesn't take long for him to tear up. The tears stream down his face and I begin to feel my eyes sting too.

As soon as we arrive at the alter my Mother let's me go. I take his hand as he helps me up the steps.

As soon as I am opposite him on the alter I cannot help myself but gently caress his face with my hand. As if all of this were to be a dream and could possibly fade away.

But he doesn't because this is real.

All real.


As soon as I saw Ava walk down that aisle it all kicked in. I'm marrying the love of my life.

She looked so beautiful.

When it was time for the vows I held on to her hands and looked into her eyes.

"Ava-Lane Montgomery I never thought that this day would come. My love for you is one that is worth fighting for. One that is worth taking any and all the risks for. Ava, you have had my heart since the day I laid eyes on you. Just the mere fact that you were different than the rest made you stand out. Never before have I met a woman who was willing to challenge my thinking or even speak her mind to me about what she thought and what she felt. I vow to always cherish you. I vow to always listen to what you have to say and to always consider your feelings. I vow to stand by your side through sickness and in health. I vow to be the best husband, partner, father and lover I can be for you. I love you. I seriously cannot wait to call you Mrs Chamberlain and soon enough my Queen."

Her eyes are watering and she places her hands on her heart before lacing her fingers with mine once again.

She begins,


Before trailing off.

She's about to cry. I carefully wipe a tear and kiss her cheek.

The officiant chuckled, "Oi, not yet you two."

Ava and I laugh along with the rest of the audience.

She quickly composes herself.

"Max, you sure know how to make a grown woman cry. You've said it, our relationship has been through a lot. Despite my tough front, you know that I am a complete softie. You have shown me what true love is and how vulnerable love is. The way you make me feel by how you love me I want to reciprocate that same love towards you. I vow to always love you. I vow to be honest with you about everything. I vow to always stand by your side in sickness and in health. I vow to stand by your side forever. I vow to be the best wife, partner and mother to our children one day. I look forward to calling you my husband. Honestly, regardless of your title you'll always be a King to me. I love you."


His eyes begin to water once again. Mine does too. This time we both refuse to hold back. He lets his tears fall and I let mine fall. To think that there was a possibility of actually losing him forever. If it weren't for the Queen.

The officiant grins, "I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride!"

Max places his hands on the side of my face before gently leaning in to give me a soft peck on the cheek.

I smirk, "Oh come on, you can do better than that."

He lets out a soft chuckle revealing his dimples and kissing me once again.

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