17 | Milly

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Part Seventeen:
A Little Intimate

Trevor nudged my shoulder lightly with his as we made our way down the halls of Iona Catholic. He turned to glance down at me, sending me a half-smirk that had butterflies erupting in my chest and a slight blush surfacing to the skin of my cheeks.

To be honest, I was really glad that things had finally been cleared up between us, and at least I knew that nothing bad had happened the night I'd been drunk and slept in his bed. I could rest easy now with the knowledge that, whatever was happening between Trevor and I, it was still as platonic as ever and not even a drunken night I couldn't remember could change that.

Even if I did have a ridiculously large crush on him.

Sighing with relief, I tilted my head to face the boy beside me, opening my mouth as if I was about to speak before the feeling of a finger tapping lightly against my shoulder caught my attention. I whipped around in a haste, eyes wide and lips parted in curiosity. In all the time I had been attending Iona, no one had ever approached me first. My ventures through the halls often consisted of me being actively ignored by the entire student population while my head faced down and my lip pulled between my teeth.

Excluding my hockey captain, of course.

Curiosity coursed through my veins as I turned to face the person responsible for tapping my shoulder. To my pleasant surprise, the person behind me was Connor Bedard, a dark haired boy from my advanced chemistry class with deep brown eyes and lean shoulders. He was barely taller than me, and not even close to reaching Trevor's full height, but the light blush and nervous grin on his face made me swoon regardless.

Due to my raging social anxiety and inability to interact with anyone, ever, I almost gripped at the arm of Trevor's blazer and used him as a shield to hide myself behind. The senior boy sensed my unease immediately, and I almost thought he was going to get me the hell out of there with an arm around my shoulder and a sweet pet name.

However, the reaction I got out of Trevor was one I hadn't expected. He took a large step back, crossing his arms over his chest and sending me the cheekiest of smirks before turning away and leaving me to my own devices.

I turned to face Connor with warning flags waving in my head and my heart thumping in my chest.

"H-hey, Connor," I mumbled, trying my very best to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground and not run away from the boy before my very eyes.

He grinned, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish chuckle. "Hey, Milly. You got a minute?"

Turning to face Trevor with a slightly worried frown and shoulders more tense then they'd ever been, all I caught was the sight of him leaning up against a locker on the far side of the hall, his gym back slung over his shoulder and his head tilted back as he laughed at a joke one of the boys on his team had told.

Summoning the courage to face Connor again, I avoided eye contact as I played with my fingers absentmindedly. "S-sure. What's up?"

"Oh, great!" he exclaimed, the blush deepening on his cheeks. "I was actually just wondering if you wanted to maybe catch a movie on the weekend? I know you and Trevor are close but I asked around and everyone says you aren't dating. Is that weird? Sorry if that's weird. But anyway, I totally understand if you're not into me or don't want to go . . ."

A heavy hand landed on my shoulder, startling me half to death. "She'd love to go!"

My eyes widened at the sound of Trevor's voice behind me, and I yanked my arm out of his grip with a scowl.

Love and Other Chemistry ♡ Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now