16 | Trevor

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Part Sixteen:
A Little Clarity

I dropped the volleyball in my hands, not giving a single damn in the world where it went as I ran for Milly. She was falling down faster then I could get to her, proving that the kick had been a decent one. But, it wasn't the slight dizziness that had worried me when she had started to fall, but the way her skull seemed to ricochet against the vinyl floors, knocking her out cold.

"Milly," I shouted, wishing desperately that I had been able to get to her in time to lessen her fall.

Jack had caught the tail end of what happened, and was by the smaller girls side in seconds. A few other students began gathering around, a few of them worried, a small amount of them in plain shock, and a lot of them whispering amongst each other.

"Move," I breathed, pushing a pair of senior boys out of the way to get to her. Jack was crouched by her side, his hand underneath her head, supporting her from lying on the solid floor. I sank to my knees, sliding slightly on the vinyl before coming to an abrupt stop on the opposite side of her.

"What the hell happened?" Jack snapped, though I don't think he meant his angered tone at me.

"Let's just get her the hell out of here," I grumbled before turning to a few of the people around us. "Give us some space, for fuck sake!"

"Trevor," Jack whispered. "Try to calm down. We gotta wake her up."

A slight whine earned my full attention, and I snapped my gaze back to the girl being cradled in Jack's palms. She blinked her eyes opened, trying her best to roll on her side as her mouth formed a frown of distress. I half expected her to cry out in pain, or at least wince or squint from the trauma of the blow. Only, Milly didn't do any of those things. She kept quiet, trying—but not trying very hard—to open her eyes and at least just see where the hell she was.

She looked up at the blue eyed boy who hovered above her.

"Trevor?" she whispered, and a part of my heart, a very selfish part, almost let a grin break out on my lips at the sound of my name being the first to slip past her lips.

"Jack, actually," the dark haired boy corrected, chuckling awkwardly.

"Jack?" she mumbled, trying her best to sit up on her own. Jack held her down, though looked up at me in concern. "Who's that? Where's Trevor?"

"She's got a concussion," I stated, jumping in, eager to get Jack away from the girl I so badly wanted to help—and actively ignoring the look of hurt on his face upon Milly not recognising him in her state of confusion.

"What the hell is going on here?" Coach asked, pushing the crowd of teenagers apart and situating himself in the centre of the circle. "What happened to her?"

"She was knocked out, sir," I stated. "Only for a second or two. I'm taking her to the nurse right now."

"Trevor?" she mumbled, her eyes struggling to hold contact with my own.

"Good idea," Coach agreed. "Don't leave her side until we know she's okay."

"Is it okay if I go too, sir?" Jack asked, chewing on his lower lip with angst. "I feel partly responsible as I was the one teaching her to play."

Coach nodded once before jerking his head in the direction of the double doors. Neither Jack or I wasted a second in helping Milly sling an arm around each of our shoulders before lifting her gently from the ground. She tried to keep her head up for a second, before letting it loll against my shoulder heavily, her eyes fluttering closed.

"Open your eyes, Milly," I warned, pinching the skin of her cheek with my free hand. She let her gaze flicker up to my own. "Focus on me, okay? Don't close your eyes."

Love and Other Chemistry ♡ Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now