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IN THE WEEK that Willow had been in Forks, she didn't hate it, at least not yet. Her biggest complaint was that the only stores in town were a grocery store and Newton's Olympic Outfitters, which is where Willow and Brett spent most of their free time in order to get out of the house. There, the Tate siblings had met Mike Newton, the son of the owners and Brett's future classmate. Or as Brett liked to say, his future husband.

"I wonder if he'll be willing to move once we get married, I'm not sure I'll stay in this town after we graduate." Brett said as they walked home from the sporting goods store. 

"I think that's a conversation to have after you guys start dating. You might not even be his type."

"I guess you're right." Brett sighed, kicking a rock down the road. "But what else am I supposed to do in my free time? Be a productive member of society?"

"That sounds utterly exhausting." Willow replied, kicking a different rock along the road. "Maybe there is nothing to do here aside from get a job and go to school."

"We definitely can't get away with as much stuff now that we live with Mom in this town."

Monica was the only woman officer in the Forks Police Department, and the majority of the town respected her. But in the years that she'd been there, she made a few enemies with the men that couldn't handle being taken down by a woman half their size. Monica was the definition of small but mighty. She was also very much a mama bear; God help anyone who harmed the vulnerable or her family.

George took a job at Forks High School as the mathematics teacher as soon as Monica said she wanted the kids to move to Forks to be with her. Part of Willow thought it was because he was still in love with her, and maybe even hoped. But she knew that her father wouldn't do well on his own while his kids were over four hours away. The man was very much an extrovert and hated being alone most of the time.

The teenagers walked the rest of the mile home. Monica's house, their new home, was bigger than what they had in Portland. It was a dark gray two-story house and there were four bedrooms, just enough for the Tate family to have their own rooms. Willow's biggest complaint was the creaky stairs that scared her in the middle of the night, and having to share a bathroom with Brett, who she swears he purposely says he needs to be in there at the same time just to irritate her.

Willow and Brett walked up the driveway just before Monica parked her police cruiser there.  "Where were you guys?" She asked as she got out of the vehicle.

"Just robbing a bank, the usual." Willow shrugged as she unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"Well, as long as I get some of the money."

The three walked into the house, and the teenagers plopped themselves on the couch and turned on the movie that was already in the DVD player, Signs. Monica went to her room down the hallway to change out of her uniform. "Just don't tell Charlie about your life of crime when him and his daughter are over for dinner tonight."

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