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"WILLOW, YOU DUMB bitch." She told herself as she looked in her closet. What do you wear when you're going to meet the parents? A dress was too formal for a baseball game, especially since there is supposed to be a thunderstorm. Why couldn't they just do dinner like a normal couple? Granted, nothing about them was normal. But they could at least pretend, right?

For the rest of the school week, Willow sat with the Cullens, and Cara, at lunch. Jasper and Alice were absent when Bella and Edward joined them a few of the days. It was then that Willow learned that Jasper was the newest 'vegetarian' and often struggled with being around humans, and he didn't want to risk it being in close proximity with three humans that his adoptive siblings cared deeply for.

Willow and Emmett did not spend their 'tutoring' time on trigonometry, but on vampire lore. She learned Edward could read minds — and she was having a lot of fun with that — and Jasper can feel and manipulate emotions. Vampires also don't sleep, and it was at that moment Willow decided she didn't want to be a vampire. Sleep was her favorite pastime. How are you supposed to live for the rest of eternity and not sleep at all? She would pass. Also, turns out that vampires could eat human food but must regurgitate it later. The thought alone almost made her gag. She could handle horror movie blood and guts all day, but vomit was a whole other story.

She also learned that Rosalie was the one to save Emmett after he was mauled, but it was too late for Daisy. It didn't appear as though Emmett held much resentment now, but did for at least a decade, per him. Turns out, Rosalie and him never actually dated but are the closest of the adoptive siblings, and Edward and Alice were fairly close as well.

Emmett also enthusiastically told her about the family baseball games, which they could only play during thunderstorms because it was so loud. Which is what lead to Willow almost shitting bricks when she woke up bright and early Saturday morning. She put the question off all morning, opting to do her homework and household chores rather than picking out an outfit. It wouldn't be as much of a big deal if she had already met the whole family, but this would be her first-time meeting Doctor and Mrs. Cullen. And that brought her back to her original question, what do you wear when you meet the parents? Said question is why she was currently pacing around in her bedroom when Cara and Brett walked in.

"Emmett sent me over with a special delivery." Cara smiled, dropping the shopping bag on Willow's bed before plopping herself down on it at the same time as Brett.

Willow's brows raised in question at the oversized baseball jersey and looked at her friend. It was clearly Emmett's based on the size, which was two sizes too big, and smelled just like him.

"You obviously don't have to wear it if you don't want to, but he just wanted to give you the option. Said something about knowing you feel safer close to him."

"That is so disgustingly cute." Brett said, making himself more comfortable on his sister's bed. "So, what are you actually going to wear?"
"Well, this now." Willow hugged the jersey to her body. "I'm not sure what else, though."

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