Meeting Crasher

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Santiago's POV:-

Have you ever, woke up in the morning and all ready for the day? Yeah, me neither.

But today is different. You wanna know why? Because I have a meeting to attend.

Not just any meeting, you see. It's at Anderson's and unlike any other time, I have decided to go there myself.

For the first time in many times, I am taking business seriously. Well, that's a different case I'm more focused on crashing it... For her. I am the meeting crasher after all.

Villainous much?Nah! I don't think so


I drove off to her place in my favourite Mustang at a not so high speed even though I know that I'm late.

I fixed my outfit and stroked my silky as fuck hair before walking into the building.

I looked around the area and the first person who came into my view was none other than Dean.

"Long time no see, Deano" I waved at him and his eyes got widen as he looked in my direction as if he has seen a ghost.

A sexy one if he's looking at me.

"It's good to see you here, Mr Torres" He smiled nervously as we shared a formal shake hand.

"Well, I'm getting late for the meeting but we'll catch up later" I patted his shoulder before walking away from him.

I turned around and looked at him," hey, anyway, Thanks for sending me that report. Even though it was accidentally. I owe you big time" I winked at him and before finally heading to the meeting room.

A little FYI: Dean used to work for me before he decided to switch teams and started working for, Anderson instead.

"Sorry for being fashionably late, everybody!" My voice roared, as I opened the door and let myself in.

I smirked as everyone's eyes laid on me but mine caught someone else's attention.

Damn, the look on her face is worth millions

As her eyes got widen, my smirk grew even more. Luckily, there was a spare seat across hers so I didn't hesitate to flop my arse on it.

I fixed my shirt as I got comfortable, widening my legs. I sit like a whore. I know because I am one.

"oh, please don't let me interrupt" I gestured at her to start her presentation.

Who am I kidding? that's exactly why I am here.

I couldn't help but smirk at her as she finally began with the presentation. Our eyes met once or twice but I could tell that she's nervous around me and that's what makes this game more fun.

"Can I get coffee, please?" I asked which made everyone look at me once again and I knew that she wanted to roll her eyes but tried to resist the urge.

I started sipping my coffee as soon as it arrived and turned my attention back to her.

"And to avoid this issue we could-" I cut her off, in the mid-sentence " I disagree" I firmly said as our eyes met again.

"excuse me?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I said I disagree" I repeated myself which, to be honest, I hate doing the most.

I stood up from the chair and walked towards her. I gave her a smirk before facing everyone.

now, time to steal the show

"Ladies and gentlemen. I have a proposal to make. Now, I don't completely disagree with Ms Anderson's idea. What I'm trying to say is that it can be improved" I began explaining.

"And how's that possible?" She asked, irritatingly as she sat down on her chair.

"That's pretty simple actually" I turned around to see the presentation and started doing changes in it, here and there.

since I have done a PhD in economics it wasn't that hard to convince everyone that my idea was better.

"I like your idea, Mr Torres," Said Mr Smith, and everyone nodded in agreement which was just perfect.

The meeting was soon dismissed after that and in the end, it was just me and her in the room.

"What was that?" She snapped at me.

"What was what?" I asked, looking at her with a smirk that made her roll eyes on me and I couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" she spat as she crossed her arms against her chest.

"Ooh, that? Consider that as a figure of speech. Now don't be jealous, pretty little thing. You know you don't stand a chance against me"

I closed the distance between us and gently brushed her hair behind her ear. I smiled victoriously at her and she pushed against the the wall

"I hate you" she gritted out before walking out and I did as well after a moment.

I had a little chit chat with other CEOs and decided to finally leave as it was getting late.

I got into my car and saw Cara was with someone on phone, looking even more pissed than she was when she hung up.

I slide down my car's window and called out for her," want a lift, pretty little thing?" I offered and she shook her head.

"No, it's alright. I'll manage" she said with stubbornness

"Oh come on. What kind of boyfriend I would be if I can't even give my girlfriend a lift? Now get in before I drag you myself"

She let out a sigh and finally got into my car. Buckle up because this is going to be a hell of a ride.

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