Suspicious idiot

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Santiago's POV:-

There was nothing put pitched darkness as soon as I managed to open my eyes. I tried to move but then I realized my hands and legs were tied against the wall.

Not kinky as it sounds like

I swallowed hard at the feeling of someone staring right at me. I knew struggling won't get me anyway so I didn't.

"Hello?" I finally said after a long moment of silence but no one responded.

Apart from me wanted to struggle and get rid of these pathetic ropes, the other urged me to keep my calm... For now.

I shook my head at this silent treatment but waiting is all I could do right now, no matter how impatient or angry I get. I need answers, I need to know... I need to know that she's safe and I also know who can exactly answer my questions.

After a moment, I heard someone's footsteps approaching me and I instantly shook up head, it was still dark but before I could speak up again, lights were turned on and then our eyes met. 

"My apologies for being late, Mr Torres," He said, collapsing his hands together, almost with enthusiasm.

I studied him as he took a step forward. He had a sadistic smile on his face, light in his eyes, and stained blood on his shirt, or maybe it was just ketchup, I couldn't tell. All I know is his intentions aren't good.

"Why are you doing this, Liam? What is it that you want, hm?" I questioned, lowly growling at him which caused him to let out a dark chuckle. 

This is the first time I am seeing this side of him, the real him. Deep I knew he's a suspicious idiot, but if the information I've received from Watson is true, Claire needs to know the truth. 

"What I want? Didn't your investigator tell you everything? Oh, wait, I meant MY investigator. That's right, Watson gave you the information I wanted you to have"

"You are really-"

"Cara Anderson's long lost brother"

I wanted to laugh at him, Wanted to laugh at how close I was from telling the truth to Claire but I resisted the urge but wait-

"Does Cara knows...?" I questioned, looking at him which caused him to chuckle.

"Fortunately, the drug kicked in when you were about to spill this little secret of mine," He remarked

Holy shit!

Now, this explains why I blacked out but how did he manage to do that? No one can go in or out of my house without my permission, not unless I give them access.

I gave him a fairly confused expression," how did you manage to do that?" Another chuckle escaped from his lips, making my blood boil

"Oh, I did nothing. All I had to do was... Manipulate my little sister. She believed me too quickly and well, we both know what happened after that. Don't we?"

I struggled in the ropes, all I could think about was how badly I want to beat the shit out of him. He firmly nodded once at his people and they tried to push me back to the wall, tightening the ropes.

"Easy there, Tiger. I'm very well aware that you want to kill me but please, by all means, save that for later"

He took off his coat and sat down on the chair, facing me. No matter how bad he truly is, he always looked so calm and composed. I wonder how he does it.

"I want you to do something for me-"

"I ain't doing shit for you!" I hissed, cutting him off. He shook his head and clicked his tongue before looking dead into my eyes with a sadistic smile.

"Not even when Cara's life is at risk?" 

                    ✦✧✧ - ✧✧✦

I- I am not a Sussy baka! Or am I? 👀

VotE AnD CoMmEnT If YoU PlEasE. TakE CArE oF YOuRsElF aNd StAy HAPpY. I'll SeE ArOUnd TilL tHeN...


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