Part Seis

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Laila Rose POV:
I was telling the girls about me and Jay's current situation when we started to hear arguing come from the back room.
The first time we just ignored it, but when it started to get louder we all got up to go see what all the commotion was.
Everything happened so fast I was confused as to what was going on.
When we heard Kennedy and Rubi leave after the argument our attention turned to Ivy who was just standing there clearly still buzzed from whatever drinks she had before arriving.
"What the hell was that," Yvette asks, breaking the silence.
Ivy shrugs "nothing you know how Rubi is she's a hot head" she shoots.
"No, I've never seen Rubi get that mad I really thought she was about to swing on you," I add.
"Yeah, what the hell y'all was arguing about because she almost broke my damn arm I didn't even know she was that strong," Yvette states.
" It was nothing really relax . Come on can we just watch the movie plus I'm starving" Ivy says trying to squeeze out of the room between us.
Yvette rolls her eyes and goes back to sit on the couch.
Natalie and I give each other a look.
We both know something's up we just don't know what.
she pats my arm and we both go back to the living room .
The four of us all watch the movie.
Rubi and Kennedy never came back.
Everyone fell asleep right in the middle of the movie except for me.
I tap Natalie to let her know I was heading out.
I'm not sure if she heard me or not but she grumbled out an "okay."
'11:47pm memorial hospital'
When I get to the hospital I let the nurses know Jay is my husband so that they would let me see him and they lead me to his room.
I talk to the Doctor before going in and he fills me in about Jay's condition.
When I walk in Jay's sleep in the hospital bed. I climb in next to him and wrap my arms around him avoiding his shoulder.
As much as I hate this man right now he is and will always be my home.
"You made it baby," he mumbles, his eyes still closed.
I peck his lips and just lay my head on his chest.
I fall asleep soon after.
'Next morning'
When I wake up I'm freezing I hate how cold hospitals are. Jay is already up and when I open my eyes he is just staring.
"Why you watching me sleep weirdo," I joke.
"You look so peaceful when you sleep lay back down," he laughs.
"Hehe ha you not funny," I say, slapping his chest as I sit up.
"I love you," he  blurts out.
Our eyes lock and I know he's waiting for me to respond the same.
I'm still angry with him so I just change the subject.
"Why you send me a message talking bout "you might live" boy I talk to yo doctor he said all you got was stitches and all you need is a lil medication and to keep your arm in a slink," I tell him, as I get up to walk to the restroom.
"Well, shit it felt like I was dying," he shouts so that I could hear him.
I peak my head out the restroom to roll my eyes at him.
" I gotta go to work in a hour so do you want me to drop you home or what, " I ask.
I work for a music company as an assistant to the owner. All I do is run errands for him and keep up with the paperwork. My boss teaches me the in's and outs of the company. As well as, everything I should know about the business world. It's pretty easy to keep up with but it can become very time consuming some days.
"I drove myself remember," he says, in a annoyed tone.
"Boy" I shout,  "Alright then, well I gotta go so I can get dressed be safe."
I walk back into the room and peck his lips before heading for the door.
"You gone be at home later," he asks, his voice unsure.
"I told you where I was staying Jeremiah," I tell him.
He huffs and I turn around to see his face.
"Whatever," he snarls.
I then exit the room to head out.
"I love you," I hear him yell out.
I'm pretty sure the entire hallway heard him actually.
I head back home to get dressed and pack some more clothes to take to Natalie's house so I don't have to keep coming back.
The bed is still messed up and there was a puddle of blood near our master bathroom.
I feel myself getting sick at the sight.
I run in the bathroom to throw up.
I feel hot and grungy so I take a shower even though I know I'm probably going to be late for work.
When I get out I still feel the same.
To make matters worse being in the house makes me upset.
Just knowing he brought a female in here to fuck is driving me crazy as the night replays in my head.
I tried to put up a brave face in front of  the girls but deep down I'm heartbroken I have no idea who this person Jay is turning into but I don't like it.
2 years of pure bliss and now it just feels like we're slowly floating away from each other.
As I start putting my clothes on I pull my phone out to let my boss know I'll be running a little late.
After the call I notice the girls had been talking in the group chat.
Day ones 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏾🥰
NatNat💋: Lunch ?
BigVette🤞🏾😍: what time
NatNat💋: ummmmm 12 or 1 . What time y'all free ?
BigVette🤞🏾😍: I'm done for today 🙄🤧 bag secured!
Kenny😈😘: bitch fuck yo drug dealing ass ! 🙄😂
Kenny😈😘: but I'm down I got lunch at 12:30 . Where?
BigVette🤞🏾😍: don't be saying that hoe 🥴 you know the feds be lurking and I wanna go somewhere that's still gone be serving breakfast
NatNat💋: ihop?
BigVette🤞🏾😍: eeewwwwww bitch wtf
Kenny😈😘: 😂
Ivy💞: 😩😂😂
NatNat💋: girl stfu where you want to go then
BigVette🤞🏾😍: ihop cool ig ☹️
Ivy💞: I won't make it I'm busy 😘 catch y'all later thou
BigVette🤞🏾😍:fuck you got to do ? You don't work today ! 🙄
Kenny😈😘:she don't gotta come anyways 😒
Ivy💞: tf Kennedy?
Kenny😈😘: bitch you read right !
Ivy💞: fuck you Kennedy ! What's your problem ?‼️
Kenny😈😘: no FUCK YOU HOE!
BigVette🤞🏾😍: 😂
NatNat💋: aye yall relax ! 🤦🏽‍♀️
Rubi🌹🥰: iight I'll be there just lmk which ihop ttyl😘
Ivy💞: stop telling me shit Kennedy!
Ivy💞: nvm I'm coming
I exit the thread what in the hell is going on with them it's too early for this.
I quickly respond saying I'll be there as I continue getting ready.
I make a mental note to call Natalie to ask her what's gotten into Kennedy and Ivy.
The work day seems to be going by so slow and Jay keeps texting me to tell me to bring him food or ask when I'm coming home.
I just ignored him  all 20 times making sure my read receipts were on so he knows I left him on read.
I called Natalie on my drive to work and she doesn't know why the girls are mad each other. Although she figures Kennedy is mad at Ivy because Rubi is mad at Ivy
I also called Kennedy when my boss stepped out to take care some business. She didn't say much just that she wasn't a fan of Ivy at the moment and she doesn't like how she's treating Rubi.
When I asked her to elaborate she just simply said it wasn't her place to say.
So basically she was no help.
But we shall find out what's going on at lunch hopefully nothing pops off.
When 12 o clock rolls in I knock on my bosses door to let him know I'm going out to lunch and should be back in a hour or two.
He was on the phone so he just waved me off.
He'll text if he needs anything.
I drive to ihop and I'm the first one there so I order us a table.
The lady wouldn't seat me unless I had half of the party there.  She was really ready to get slapped smacking her gum hard as hell while talking to me.
Natalie and Rubi pull up at the same time 10 mins after me so we go to our booth.
The booth is circular so I sit right in the middle while Natalie and Rubi sit on either side of me.
We exchange information about our day so far and about the rude ass host.
Natalie and I exchange looks as we look at each other and then at Rubi.
"What!" Rubi shouts loud enough so only we can hear " y'all doing that thing y'all be doing"
"What thing" Natalie and I say at the same time then eye each other with a grin because we always say things at the same time.
I swear we are almost the same person.
"Nothing, why y'all keep staring," Rubi says sounding a little irritated.
Natalie nods at me signaling for me to talk first.
"We just want to make sure you are okay. Last night was kind of crazy you know," I ask trying to sound compassionate.
"I'm fine . It was just an argument we all fight damnea everyday," she says, with a slight chuckle.
She gives a small grin but she isn't very convincing.
I stay quiet and so does Natalie as we side eye each other.
"Oh My Gosh! Girls seriously I'm fine everything is fine," she try's convincing us again.
Rubi is a horrible liar always has been.
Which is why she rarely does.
I sigh heavily, "Rubi your eyes are extremely puffy and you didn't even put make up on today you put makeup on everyday even when we just going to each other's house" I explain "and that wasn't just some little argument you and Ivy had. the look in your eyes last night I thought you was finna knock her damn head off"

"We just got differences about certain things that's all honestly I just don't want to talk about that right now," she replies, her voice is soft and you can just hear the sadness in her tone.
It's hurts to see her this down and to think she doesn't feel comfortable to talk about it with us also hurts since we talk about everything with each other.
I give her a reassuring smile understanding she may not want to talk right now I just hope she does eventually.
Rubi holding in her feelings is never a good thing because she can go off the rails and become erratic.
Don't get me wrong Rubi is an amazing person but she has had so much pain and hurt in her short life time she sometimes doesn't know how to express how she may be feeling.
Her parents died when she was only 13 so she took care of herself and her brother.
Her grandmother was around but she was old and couldn't do much.
So Rubi took on the parental role early on. She did what she needed to for money and tried to keep her brother out of trouble as best she could.
Her brother didn't take the passing of their parents well leading him to heavy drugs.
He has overdosed a total of 12 times the first couple of times Rubi took it hard but then she just stop crying over it and would only see him to sign some papers so that he would get released from the hospital.
It was as if she had turned her emotions off for her brother.
After 20 minutes passed Yvette had made it then Ivy.
She tried to interact with Rubi a number of times but Rubi just gave her the cold shoulder
One word replies and little to know eye contact.
Yvette sat next to Rubi and Ivy by Natalie.
We ordered drinks as we looked over the menu.
Kennedy came in a little bit after we had ordered.
The tension at the table was becoming unbearable with all the side eyeing, eye rolls, slick comments, and lip smacking.
I tried to keep conversation up as we ate so everything could feel normal but it was obvious attitudes were high.
"You got a problem Ivy," Kennedy asks, while sticking her fork into a piece of her pancake rather hard "I mean you keep staring like somethings on your mind."
Kennedy has a smirk on her face as she brings the fork up to her mouth.
Kennedy has always been bold and never been scared to challenge someone.
If I had to rate the girls in how crazy they are I would say Kennedy and Yvette both take first place.
Neither one of them have a problem with checking a bitch.
But, Kennedy usually doesn't pop off unless she knows something is directed towards her. Whereas, Yvette is always ready to pop off she is the definition of trigger happy.
Rubi POV:
Not now I think
I bump Yvette's arm to signal her to bump Kennedy for me.
When she does me and Kennedy make eye contact as I try to silently tell her to relax.
"Ain't nobody worried about you Kennedy," I hear Ivy say.
"Oh shit" I think to myself
"Damn, you been getting real bold these days," Kennedy replies, bobbing her head and fake clapping like she's applauding .
Laila clears her throat loudly trying to redirect everyone's attention.
"What you got planned for the rest of the day Vette," Laila asks.
"Fuck you Kennedy," Ivy spits out harshly.
Kennedy jumps forward a little as if she is about to get up but Yvette quickly places her arm in front of her to keep her seated.
This causes Ivy to flinch a little.
"Ain't nobody finna do her scary ass nothing," Kennedy laughs, "and no thank you Ivy I know yo pussy gotta lot of mileage on it."
Kennedy gives Ivy a wink.
Ivy moves her mouth as if she's about to say something but then closes it back deciding against it.
Kennedy smirks knowing she has an affect on her.
"Bitches know better," Kennedy whispers. 
Yvette laughs loudly at Kennedy.
She so fucking messy I swear.
"Fuck you Vette," Ivy spits out.
"Why fuck me I ain't even do nothing don't involve me in this," Yvette says, pretending to be shocked.
"Yvette!" Natalie says, shaking her head side to side in a no motion.
"Let me out I gotta go to the ladies room," I tell Yvette patting her thigh signaling her to slide out.
Kennedy stands to slide out first and knocks her drink over which spills all over Ivy.
I'm not sure if she did it on purpose or not but her response made it worse.
"Ooops," Kennedy says with a huge smirk as she continues to slide out the booth.
Ivy stands up immediately as the cold drink wets the entire front of her clothes
"Are you fucking serious," Ivy yells out.
Natalie grabs some napkins trying to hand them to Ivy but she had already stepped out of the booth and right in Kennedy's face.
We all quickly slide out the booth ready to deescalate the situation.
"Do some if you bold," Kennedy dares Ivy.

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