Part Diez

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Omniscient POV:

As the lights came back on the look of horror and fright was plastered on everyone's face in the living room of the small apartment. It was quite as everyone began to pat themselves looking for any inflicted wounds.

"LAILA!" Natalie cried out as she hurried her way towards Laila who was laid out on the floor. She dropped to her knees carefully examining Laila's bloody body scared to touch her best friend. Tears began to pour out of her eyes and her breathing became erratic at the sight.

Jay also kneeled down beside her body as he searched for bullet wounds. There was too much blood to figure out where she had been shot.

In the background the sound of Kordell telling 911 that they needed an ambulance and police right away and the crying of Laila's many friends faded in and out. Jay's heart was beating out of his chest and panic was filling his body. His eyes began to fill with tears as he kneeled near his lovers limp body. He couldn't hear breathing when he placed his ear near her mouth and her chest didn't move up and down signaling a heartbeat.

"Who knows how to take her pulse? Who knows how to check her wounds? Who knows how to do anything?" He screams out, pain apparent in his voice. "Come on Natalie get your shit together you work at a fucking hospital so you can become a Doctor!"

Natalie doesn't move she sits in a trance as her eyes don't leave Laila's body. Kevin then pushes through the crowd. He looks at his girlfriend who is clearly in shock, then leans over to tend to Laila. He checks her pulse on her wrist which was nonexistent, but he doesn't let anyone else know.

"Well" Jay yells, tears still falling from his eyes.

"It's faint," Kevin lies.

"Okay can you please just help her until the ambulance gets here?" he cries out.

Kevin nods his head. He gently presses against different parts of Laila's body trying to find where the bullets hit. When he finds two entrance holes he slowly begins to rip her clothes down the middle to get a better look. When he has done so carefully Laila's exposed body shows a bullet wound a little to the left of her heart and one in her left lung.

Kevin quickly yells for someone to bring him towels or anything cloth. "And get my girl out of here she doesn't need to witness anymore of this." His voice shaky.

Yvette slowly walks over to help Natalie up avoiding looking at Laila. If she sees her friend laid out she doesn't know if she will be able to control her emotions. Tears slowly roll down Yvette's cheeks as she cries silently to her self walking with Natalie.

"NO! NOBODY IS GOING ANYWHERE! ONE OF YALL SHOT MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND AND I WANT TO KNOW WHO IT WAS NOW!" Jay's voice is loud and full of rage. He stands up and his chest heaves up and down uncontrollably.

Kordell walks up towards him trying to calm him down. "Get your hands off of me" Jay yells.

"My girl is laying on the floor hanging by a thin thread and one of you motherfuckers shot her. So speak up!" Jays eyes are red and his body is shaking. Tears never stop falling from his eyes as he looks around the room at the worried faces in front of him. When he spots Ivy he quickly runs to her grabbing her neck tightly pushing her against the nearest wall. "This is all your fault!" He cries, out squeezing her neck with both hands.

She gasps for air as her feet dangle from being lifted up. The color in her face begins to get dull as people from the crowd including Michael, Kordell, and some of Jays homeboys try to pry his hands from around her neck. When they do so successfully her body drops down to the ground as she coughs dryly rubbing her neck.

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