72: Teaching Assistant

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Paige walked around the hallway with her hand on the back of her neck

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Paige walked around the hallway with her hand on the back of her neck. It felt incredibly sore for no good reason. It was genuinely quite irritating. She assumed it was because of someone she knew but at this point she was through with these painful connections. This was the part of her powers that she'd like to have control over.

She was only in the hall at this time and not eating her lunch because Scott said there was something important happening. Something about bruises on Allison and Lydia that could be a really good lead.

"Paige-" Scott released a sigh of relief now that she got there. She was the last one to show up before Derek got there, "Hey, you good?"

"Yup." She hummed softly as she rubbed her neck a bit more, "I think it's Isaac or something. I'll be fine."

Stiles just made a face of pure distaste while he sat down onto a desk, "Okay, Paige is here. Now, could Derek just show up so we can get this over with?"

"I thought you were over hating Derek." Paige says bluntly before pointing a finger directly at- "Allison is the one that hates him now."

Scott cleared his throat a bit uncomfortably, "Uh, right. So Derek is on his way-"

"I'm here." Derek said from the door as he closed it behind him. He stared at the entire group after hearing exactly what had been said moments ago. "What do you want to show me?"

Paige had not said a word while Lydia and Allison moved together to reveal their bruise. She just kind of stared at Derek, she had already seen him but still had yet to hold a genuine conversation with him. She was definitely not acting normal around him at all. She felt that the others believed that it were normal but she didn't feel normal. She felt... awkward.

"I don't see anything."

Scott fidgeted a bit, "Look again."

Derek sighed out through his nose, "How is a bruise gonna tell me were Boyd and Erica are?"

"It's the same on both sides." Scott pointed out, "Exactly the same."

With another short gaze, Derek huffed, "It's nothing."

"Pareidolia." Lydia chimes in, "Seeing patterns that aren't there."

Paige looked at the group before letting Lydia know she understood the conversation at least, "It's a subset of apophenia."

"Exactly." Lydia smiles over at Paige.

Scott sent a small grin to Paige before trying with Derek again, "They're trying to help."

"These two." Derek pointed with raised brows, "This one, who used me to resurrect my psychotic Uncle. Thank you. And this one, who shot about thirty arrows into me and my pack."

"Okay, all right, now, come one." Stiles did not even try to move from his spot. He was far too comfortable where he was, "No one died, all right? Look, there may have been a little maiming, okay, a little mangling, but no death. That's what I call an important distinction."

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