64: You need a day to yourself

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Paige stared at the front of Ms

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Paige stared at the front of Ms. Morrell's with a blank look in her eyes. Completely tired and drained from everything that had happened in her life up until now. It felt like too much for her to even handle in general, yet here she was still kicking and breathing.

Unlike Matt.

She remembered being told by Sheriff Stilinski that they had found Matt's drowned body in the river. He claimed that he might have fallen in while trying to escape. Paige did care about him, she at least thought she did but she didn't feel his death. She didn't feel his pain. But now that she knew what happened to him, she felt sad and empty. Even after everything he had done, she didn't think he deserved to die like that. She didn't think he deserved to die at all.

Scott filled her in on what happened to Matt and why he did all of those terrible things. It was hard for Paige to hear but she also understood. Who was there for Matt? Who could have been the person to keep him happy after going through such an experience. He became a bad person after bad things happened to him. But he was good to her. Even after that night and being shot by him. Paige knew that Matt considered her a friend. She wouldn't know how to feel about it all now, but before everything. Paige liked him. He was nice and would talk to her.

She was even having a hard time now that Odette was busy. Her Aunt said that there were a lot of things she needed to deal with, so it would be better if Paige go back to her Stiles' house. Paige knew she should go talk to her aunt Maggie, but she didn't know how to deal with that kind of confrontation.

Speaking of confrontation, Paige didn't know what to do about Scott. He sounded like he was working with Gerard, which kind of scared her. Granted, she knew Scott was a good person so there was no way he was doing it for bad reasons.


Finally blinking, Paige looked over at Ms. Morrell, "What?"

"I asked how you were holding up?"

"Ah..." Paige shifted a bit in her seat. Hadn't she been talking this entire time? Or was Ms. Morrell talking to her and she just didn't hear anything. "I'm holding up just fine. Just... tired."

Ms. Morrell leaned forward in her seat, "How are you coping after what happened to Matt?"

This caused Paige to look away, her eyes focusing on some positive poster hanging up in the room, "I'm coping fine. I-I wasn't exactly close to him. I just... drowning is painful... it hurts, doesn't it? I can't swim myself so drowning scares me. And I know-I know that Matt couldn't swim and he-he died going through what he feared the most."

"According to Stiles, it's not as scary once you let the water in. It's peaceful."

"It doesn't sound peaceful. Matt died. He drowned." Paige mumbles as she runs her foot along the ground slowly, "I don't think a death like that could ever be classified as peaceful. If he wanted to go, then it was peaceful, but fighting to breathe and survive... that's not peaceful."

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