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Addison's POV

Mark pulled me into the empty lounge with Lexie by his side and Naomi by mine. I didn't know what to say. I did know one thing. I could not let Naomi say a word because she can't lie for shit. I love my best friend but, she can't lie. It's admirable but also, she needs help.

Naomi already looked afraid. Keeping a secret like this from one of our longest best friends. What were we to say?
"Addison, what the hell is going on?!" Mark raised his voice making Naomi jump a little. It's Mark. He's harmless. Well, not when it comes to his kids.

Luckily before I could say anything, Meredith came in followed by Jo. Thank God. "Surprise meeting I don't know about?" Meredith smirked.
"No but, since you're here, do you know why Y/n's sperm is in a cup?" Lexie asked. Meredith quickly looked back at me and I just stared at her waiting for her to make up something because I am absolutely blank.

"Y/n has been wanting to know if she's fertile." Meredith speaks up. "What? She's not. Right?" Lexie asks staring at Naomi. "Well I don't know yet, I don't have the results." Naomi says pointing to the bag holding the cup in Mark's hand.

"But why does she care? I mean, she uses condoms. She doesn't need to worry about children right now. Addison, something isn't adding up what's going-"

"She wanted to know before she gets serious with anyone because-" Meredith looks between us before Jo speaks up quickly. "Y/n and I- I have a crush on Y/n!"
"What?!" Lexie yelled. Well, I guess that could work.
"So you're why she stopped talking to Sophia?! Huh, not bad. My daughter has taste."
"Mark!" Lexie nudged him. "What I'm having a proud father moment."
"Except for the fact that our daughter is 17- Jo, you're gay?"
"Oh yeah totally. Wait- no I don't know. I'm just cruising the scene."

"With a 17 year old?"
"Nothing has happened. Plus, she turns 18 in like 2 months. I'm being patient."
"Jo, it all makes sense now. Your relationship- you two have always been so close. I just- this is weird-"
"I actually don't have a problem with it. I dated plenty of women older than me." Mark smiles.

"No surprise there." Meredith smiled back. "Well we all have jobs to do so, I think we've wasted enough of each other's time." I suggest making everyone begin to clear out of the room. I had Jo text Y/n about what was said so we'd all be on the same page. She saved our asses.

Y/n's POV

"You're so cute." I smiled at Alex. She was here in the hospital because Addison wanted to check her incisions from the sac repair. "If our child gets one thing, I hope it gets your eyes."
"Why are you trying to butter me up, Y/n. If you want me in bed all you have to do is ask, pregnancy hormones are a blessing."
I smirked before leaning down to peck her lips when the door opens making me quickly jump away and act like I was checking her monitor.

"Mom?" I asked as I turned around. "Oh, hey? What are you doing in here?"
"Vitals check, incision check, and ultrasound." I lied and luckily she believed me.
"Oh? Alex right?" My mom sticks her hand out to shake Alex's. Great.

"So Jo?" My mom whispered as I set up the ultrasound. "Huh?"
"You and Jo. She told me you two have a thing going on. And she's very interested in you."

I quickly darted my eyes back at Alex who gave me a questioning look back and was clearly waiting for me to reply. "Oh I mean-"
"Your dad of course is happy for you but, she's kind of old for you. As much as I love and respect Jo, don't you think you want someone your own age? I know you're mature and responsible most of the time but-"
"Mom, don't think this is the right time to talk about this."
"Well when you come home-"
"Dad said I could stay the night with River."
"Tomorrow. Or find me before you leave. I have surgery."

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now