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Y/n's POV

I jolted awake when I heard Alex moving around in her bed. I stayed overnight at the hospital just in case she woke up in the middle of the night, and well, because she's my girlfriend and she's pregnant with my kid.

"Hey, thank God you're awake." I whispered and she looked around confused at first until she realized where she was. "Do you know where you are?"
"The hospital- Y/n is the baby-" she began to panic before looking down at her stomach. I put my hand on her belly and told her about what Addison and Arizona did in the OR. I would mention how Kelley was the one that hit her but, I don't want her to get angry. She's been through enough and for all I know, she probably knows it was Kelley.

I text Addison and Arizona that Alex woke up and shortly after, they arrived to her room and Alex's family was still not here yet, thankfully. Addison walked over to Alex's bed side placing her hand on her shoulder before proceeding to ask her how she was feeling before letting her know what she was to prepare for for the next few weeks.

"I do want you to take this next week of work off. You'll need to be home resting and not being stressed out by teenagers, especially that one." Addison points at me.
"It's the last week Addie, I have-"
"Your body needs to recover from the surgery. You almost died on me."

Alex nods and squeezes my hand.
"Oh, how rude of me, this is Dr. Arizona Robbins. Fetal and Pediatric surgeon one of the best in the world. Literally kick ass." I smiled at Arizona.
"Wait, is this Arizona? Your favorite gay?"
"Yes, she's basically my gay mentor."

"Nice to meet you and thank you." Alex says as Arizona leans down to hug her. Addison and Arizona finished going over what happened in the OR and her post op care before the door opens and a police officer steps inside behind Alex's parents and sisters who just walked in.

"Officers can you give us a minute please?" Pamela asks before the officers leave the room. "My poor baby, how do you feel? Are you okay?"
Oh this bitch. Not her trying to act like she actually gives a shit? She literally tried to get Addie to perform a hysterectomy and Alex is 23! 23! She has years left to make kids and here she was trying to take that away from her.

"So will you be coming home with us to recover? You know we'll take really good care of you sweetie and it'll be good for you to be around family."
"Mom I'm good here plus Y/n can stay over and-"
"Alex she's a child she-"
"I've been around medicine and doctors my whole life. Trust me I'm more than qualified."

Pamela rolls her eyes before looking back at Alex.
"Are you okay sweetie? I'm so sorry, I know you must be devastated-"
"Mom, I'm alive. That's all that matters."
"Yeah and there's always adoption-"
"What? Why would I adopt? I mean I don't have a problem with that but, the baby is fine and if I want another kid, when I want other one, we'll just make one." Alex says before looking over at me.

Aww she wants to have more kids with me. It's so crazy, a few months ago I wasn't looking for anything serious and now, here I am, in love with Alex. I feel complete. She's all I could ever want.

"Al, Dr. Montgomery performed a hysterectomy. You can't-"
"What? Wait Addison is-"
"No, I didn't perform the hysterectomy. Mrs. Morgan I-"
"I told you to perform the hysterectomy!"

"And I made a judgement call based on what I saw in the OR. She's a 23 year old woman with her whole life ahead of her and I-"
"I am her mother! You asked me-"

"No she asked me first because you weren't here and if she did the hysterectomy Alex would have lost our child and then prevented us from having another. You have no right to say what happens to our baby because to our it simply, you weren't involved in the process. I get it, you're her mother but when it comes to my child, that's my business not yours. And you're trying to find any way to get rid of our kid because what did you say again? Oh right, Alex is a pedophile right?"

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now