Chapter 13

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Five assignments due at 11:59 PM. Three due tomorrow. Exam 2: 54.6%. Exam 3: 67%. ANNOUNCEMENT: Midterm 1 on Wednesday. Assignment due. Assignment due. Due tonight at 11:59 PM.

Work harder. Eat something. Go shower. Be grateful for what you have. Does he still love you? Clean your room. He deserves better. You're just tired. Don't be a disappointment.

Stop overreacting.

They'll never understand.

From the dim light of my desk lamp, I'm just able to make out the numbers on my notebook. My hands feel stiff when I stretch them out. It's three in the morning and my roommate isn't back, which means she won't be back for the night as usual.

Am I the only one struggling? Everyone else has time to go out with their friends and go to the gym and be productive. Why can't I manage anything?

You have Zack, a small voice reminds me. Zack who literally gave up his dream school so we could be together. Zack who needs support, not a burden.

My phone starts to ring so I stretch out my neck and prepare myself before picking up. "Hello?"

"Daniel was ranked as a four-star recruit today," my mom tells me.

I blink heavily. "That's great," I say.

"Just thought you should know. At least one of my kids isn't a disappointment."

My jaw clenches. "What do you want?"

"One of my friends has a son in town. He's studying to be a doctor. I think you should meet him." There's no hesitation in her voice.

No words come out of my mouth. For a second, I wonder if I'm dreaming but when I pinch my skin, there's a faint ache.

"I have a boyfriend," I say.

"Amelia, this boy comes from a good family. He has a job, goes the church every weekend, and-"

"I'm not interested," I say. "Is that it?"

"Amelia, you're being unreasonable. That boy you're with-"

"His name is Zack."

"It's not going to work out. You think he's going to stay with you when he goes to play football? He's an athlete. They're players!"

"You don't know him. He's not even like that," I say.

"What about when you finish college and don't have a job? Is he going to provide for you?"

"I'm going to provide for myself!" I say. "I'm in school, mom. It's not like I sit around and do nothing all day."

"How are you going to provide for yourself with no job? You think I'm going to pay for you to live? You don't even listen to me!"

"What are you saying?" I ask slowly.

"I'm saying if you keep this rebellious act up, I'm cutting you off."

My lip starts to tremble as I clench my fists. When I speak, my voice is heavy. "That's not fair."

"Nothing in life is given to you, Amelia," she says. "Is it fair that you didn't turn out how I expected you to be?"

A light scoff escapes my lips as she continues, "All you do is complain and be immature."

"Well, I'm sorry I don't wake up perfect and cheery every day," I sneer.

"See, you're doing it again!" she exclaims.

I close my eyes, not saying a word. Finally, I ask, "You really don't care about me, do you?"

I'm not sure how long there's silence but it's long enough for me to hang up.

My papers stare at me expectantly but all I want to do is lie in bed and sleep or maybe talk to my boyfriend or party until everything feels light again.

Only one choice is actually an option so I get up and fall into bed with greasy hair and oily skin. I know I'll regret it when I wake up but right now, I really couldn't care less.

A/N: vote & comment if u wanna punch her mom. No? Ur sane? Ok cool.

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