Chapter 22

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Twenty-four hours later, I'm on a flight to Louisiana.

Flights are already bad enough, especially last-minute flights that cost a bajillion dollars at six in the morning. Still, it's enough of a miracle that I even got a flight this late so it's hard to be angry.

Flights with Zack and Marcus, though? That's a different story.

Their legs are so long, they're scrunched up in the seat. This and their heads nearly touch the ceiling so their heads are forced down, straining their neck.

The result? Marcus has been moaning and groaning about it for the past hour.

"Fuck, I think I just hit my fibula," Marcus curses.

The grandma in the seat in front of us whips her head around with a glare. He smiles and waves at her in response.

"Shh," I say. "There are kids on the plane."

"Fuck them kids," he says, rolling his eyes. "They haven't shut up in the last hour."

Right on cue, the baby behind us cries harder, practically screaming. I've tried to fall asleep since getting on the plane but it's been impossible.

The baby's sibling, a toddler, keeps kicking our seats and I can tell Zack is getting irritated by the way he keeps turning to look back at them. I pat his shoulder softly.

"It's been a while since I've seen your parents," I say, mainly to distract him.

Since he moved back, Carrie and Zack's dad, Pete, have gotten back together and been on good terms. I've only seen them over facetime but I haven't seen them since we moved to Michigan.

"They're excited you're coming," he says. "Especially Tommy, that little fucker."

"Would you stop cussing?" I ask but I can't help but smile at the memory of his little brother.

He smirks. "You like my dirty mouth."

Marcus gags loudly. "Fucking shit, you guys are gross," he says.

The grandma turns around again and Marcus flashes a bright smile. "Can I help you?" he asks.

"I'm sorry," I intervene quickly. "We'll be quiet from now on-"

Before I can finish my sentence, the kid behind me kicks the seat so hard, I practically jolt out of my seat. Zack's eyes set and he turns around, glaring.

"Zack," I warn. "It's fine."

"They need to watch their kid-"

"It's okay," I say. "I just want to have a peaceful flight. Here." I grab the package of pretzels the flight attendants handed out. "Eat this."

He shoots me a look but opens up the bag and starts eating. Marcus snorts next to me as he flips through a Playboy.

"Looks like we know who's the bottom in the relationship," he remarks.

Zack shifts his glare towards Marcus and he freezes. "Kidding!" Marcus says. "I'm kidding!"

He turns to me and whispers, "I'm not kidding."

"Is it too late to switch my seat?" I wonder aloud.

"Aw, come on. You love us," Marcus says, nudging me with his arm. "You know, I'm so glad you came to spend Thanksgiving with us, Amelia. Imagine being alone on a plane with this loser for three hours."

"You're welcome to open your window and leave," Zack replies.

"Tempting," Marcus says. "But I don't wanna miss out on your mom's sweet potato casserole. If I'm lucky, we'll even see Uncle Phil's costume."

"What costume?" I ask.

Zack shakes his head. "If he's sober enough to get out of bed, he comes wearing some turkey costume he's been wearing since he was, like, 10. I don't know how the fuc-freaking thing still fits."

"Imagine Dumbledore but on crack and wearing a kids size turkey costume," Marcus adds.

I tilt my head to the side. "That is both an entertaining and disturbing visual." Turning my head, I smile at Zack. "Must run in the family."

"Like I'd ever wear a turkey costume," Zack mutters.

"Ah, I seem to remember you dressing up as a frog," Marcus says. "What was it, fifth grade? Princess and the Frog-"

"I've seen that photo!" I exclaim.

"I'm sure Aunt Carrie has the video still left. Maybe we should-"

"Marcus," Zack cuts in. "Shut the f-." I raise a brow and he grimaces, correcting himself. "Shut up."

"Chill, Zachary," he says. "It's all jokes." He sends me a wink.

"Funny," Zack deadpans, leaning his neck back. "I'm going to sleep."

He closes his eyes and I lean on his shoulder, closing mine too.

"Seriously?" Marcus says. "This is boring."

A smile quirks on my lips but I just snuggle closer and wait for the world to turn quiet.

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