Chapter 2. Friends

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Everything written here is fiction and exaggerated for the drama like most romance stories.

It was the next day and Sophia woke up excited for the park. She got dressed and ran downstairs, again bringing her Kirby plushie like always.

Downstairs Sophia's mom was waiting with a bag of snacks. It was filled with juice boxes, veggie straws, and apple slices.

"Ready to go Sophia?"

"EEE YES I CANT WAIT!" Sophia replied almost yelling.

"Okay okay go get in your car seat.."


They arrived at the park seeing Ace and his mom waiting on a nearby bench. Sophia ran over to go say hi.

"How about you kids go ahead and play." Ace's mom suggested.

Sophia grabbed Ace by the hand and walked him to the top of the slide. They took turns going down, but with Sophia's short attention span she wanted to go to the swings next. Ace didn't complain and followed. The swings were the most crowded part of the playground and made Ace anxious. Sophia noticed and held his hand until it was their turn.

Afterward, they decided they were thirsty and got some juice boxes from their moms to drink in the sandbox.

The sandbox was much more empty than the rest of the playground except for another girl in it.

Sophia being the curious girl she is, asked the girl about herself.

"Oh name is Kanna." The girl replied quietly surprised by the fact Sophia was talking to her.

Sophia gave her whole speech about the cookies and her Kirby plushie, which Ace was slowly memorizing.

"What about you what your name?" The girl asked in Ace's direction.

It was silent.

Sophia was about to answer for him when suddenly a small voice occurred.


"My name is Ace." Ace said with more confidence.

Sophia was in complete shock hence this was the first time she's heard his voice. She was a bit upset he was willing to talk to this girl and not her, but was happy she got to hear it.

"You finally spoke!" Sophia said sounding proud of Ace.

Kanna looked at her confused. "Does he not talk or something?"

"Oh no, this is just the first time I heard him spoke," Sophia assured.

"That's weird you guys seemed close, maybe he just doesn't like you." Kanna laughed.

A voice calling for "Kanna" grew louder.

"Well, I better go home now hope I can see more of you Ace."

Kanna left leaving Ace and Sophia alone in the sandbox with Sophia looking defeated.

She turned to Ace and asked "Is it true what she said? Do you really just hate me?"

Ace was silent and didn't say a word. Sophia thought he would eventually say something, but he didn't. The only words were from their mothers telling them it was time to go back home.


Sophia and Ace have been friends for a year now. They did everything together. Sophia would always brag to Ace about her large Pokémon collection and Ace would counter her with his video game skills. Sophia and Ace would always play video games together at Ace's house and have Pokémon battles at Sophia's.

Then school soon came around and they were starting 4th grade. They'd gotten in the same class, which made Sophia happy. Like always though Ace hardly showed any emotion. They sat next to each other and Sophia was constantly asking Ace for help on homework and how to do some of the math. Ace was actually pretty smart but struggled in English, luckily Sophia made up for that.

The Kanna girl from the park was in their class and Sophia immediately recognized her. Sophia would always ignore her, but it was hard when she was constantly coming up to them to talk to Ace.

"Hey, Ace!"


Sophia was always sad because the only time she'd hear his voice was when Kanna was there.

"You're still hanging out with this girl? Doesn't she feel like a leech sometimes?" Kanna said completely ignoring that Sophia was right there.

Ace shrugged his shoulders not knowing how to respond.

Sophia's thoughts: "He knows that the way she treats me is wrong, why doesn't he do anything about it? Should I stop hanging out with him? It'll probably be best for all of us."

"HELLO! EARTH TO SOPHIA!" The teacher yelled.


"Recess is over all the other kids are inside already."


Back in class...

"Okay kids, tomorrow we're going to have a Show-And-Tell to learn a little bit about you all. So please bring something that represents you or is apart of who you are."

This completely changed Sophia's mood and she immediately thought of bringing her Pokémon cards because she adored them.

Ace wasn't sure what to bring so Sophia suggested he bring a controller because he likes video games. Ace liked the idea and agreed.

The next day in class Sophia walked up to the front to show her cards.

"This is my Pokémon collection. I've been growing it since Kindergarten when my older brother gave me one. He's in the military and deployed in Japan so when I see these cards I think of him. I also have a Kirby plushie that I take with me everywhere because it's my favorite character."

After the short applause, the teacher gave Sophia a thumbs up.

When Sophia sat back down it was Ace's turn.

"Ace go ahead." The teacher instructed.

In a low voice, Ace began "Uhm...I brought a controller because I like to play video games and I'm good at them..umm...I like playing them with my friend and beating her a lot..."

Sophia lit up by the thought that Ace was talking about her. Ace finished and sat back down. The teacher got a call from the office and had to leave for a few minutes. The class started talking.

"Hey, Ace!" Kanna said walking towards their desk.


"Ace did you notice Sophia's face when you presented? I think that leech has a crush on you or something." Kanna laughed.

Ace froze and only let out a small "Uhm."

Sophia heard and was offended and didn't find it funny. As she walked over Kanna looked her up and down.

"Hey, Sophia. About your plushie why do you have it? Aren't you a bit old to take it everywhere?" Kanna said continuing to give her elevator eyes.

Sophia froze. She left and sat back down not saying a word. As she turned her back she heard distant laughing.

Sophia's thoughts: "How am I supposed to respond to that? And why didn't Ace stand up for me? Maybe she's right and Ace just feels bad for me. I should just ignore him and let Kanna and him be friends. They'll probably get along better anyways."

Word count: 1129

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