Chapter 18

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Dorothy's POV

I smile at Liam who is currently playing with his cousin. I just can't believe he is growing up so fast.

"So what happened?" Mia asked bringing me out from my thoughts

"What do you mean what happened?" I asked back taking a bite of the bananas dipped in nutella Mia made.

"You're glowing." She pointed out. "Like you've just been fucked." I feel my face redden at the memory of what happened in Ethan's office.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard that you'll be walking like a fucking penguin."

"Oh Ethan please."

"Please what baby doll?"

"Please fuck me."

"As you wish."

"Oh my God." Mia exclaims loudly. " You have totally been fucked."

"Mia." I groan as my face turn more red. I really don't need this right now. I still can't believe I did that.

"Who was it?" She asked sounding so thrilled. "Was he big and thick. Was he-"

"Mia!" I exclaim glancing over at Liam and Jojo. "There are children here."

"Oh just tell me who was it?" She hushed me completely ignoring the fact we aren't so far from the boys. I try my best to not blush.

How exactly do I explain to her that her brother bent me over his desk?

"Was it Ethan?" She asked suspiciously? I don't answer her though my red face gives her an answer. "Oh my god.  You had sex with him."

"Can we not talk about this?" I asked looking away not being able face her.

"Hey." She calls me out. "I'm not offended. I'm happy."

"Happy?" I asked looking back at her.

"Dora, I've seen you wallow yourself in self pity for years. I don't care if you start a relationship with someone else or you rekindle your relationship with Ethan." She tells me. "All I care is that you're happy."

"Thanks for saying that." I smile at her. I felt the guilt lifted of my chest.

"Well anything for you." She smiles back at me.

I spend the next few hours with Mia till David comes home. I look back to see Liam sleeping and let out a sigh. He's been very active these days. I don't know if it's because of Ethan but I'm happy.

"I need some ice cream." I mutter to myself when I finally tuck Liam to bed.

Just as I head to the fridge I hear someone knocking. I wonder who it is at this time if the night.

"Oh hey Charlie." I smile at him once I see him leaning on the doorpost.

"I just wanted to say hi." He smiles down at me fixing his pousture. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." I step aside closing the door behind him. "I just got Liam tuck in."

"I was actually here to talk to you." He said shyly. "I mean only if you want to."

"Lets head to the table." I say walking back to the kitchen with him following behind. "Ice cream?"

"Yes?" He replied sounding more of a question than an actual answer.

I nod and scoop some ice cream into two separate bowls and sit opposite him. "So what's up?"

"I have to attend a wedding in a few weeks and I was thinking if you could be my plus one." He said in one breath.

"Plus one" I give him a confused look. I don't think that's going to be a good idea. I mean I just got into a relationship with Ethan and I really want it to work out.

"As friends." He quickly added. "Liam can come too. There are a lot of kids there."

"I don't know," I start already thinking this is a bad idea. "I'm not-"

"Please Dora," He pleads dropping the bowl of ice cream and taking my hand. "I really need to show up to this wedding. I need to prove to her that I've moved on you know?"

He and Karen broke up two years ago. I personally thought they were endgame. I was surprise when she dumped him for some real estate agent. I really want to help him, I'm just not sure if it the right thing to do. It explains  why he was so down when he came from his trip.

"I'll think about it." I whisper to him. "When is the wedding?"

"In two months." He smiled at me. "Thank you. I know its a lot to ask."

"You've helped me through though times Charlie," I smile back at him. "Accompanying to a wedding is the least you cask me to do." I lean back into my chair.

"So how you coping with your butthead ex." He scoffed taking a full spoon of ice cream into his mouth. "I'm surprise he let me babysit Liam."

"He's not so butthead anymore." I defend him. "He says he wants to make things better. I don't know if I'm making the right decision." I blurt out.

"I think everyone deserves a second chance." He explains.

"If Karen come backs to you, would you accept her?" I asked him.

"If Karen comes back to me I won't accept her." He said. "She cheated on me, she took me for granted. Accepting her would be a step back."

"I didn't know she cheated." I gasped in shock. I feel like a fool to bring that up.

"It's not really something to boast about." He shrugs. "But Ethan didn't cheat on you. I mean his in love with you. He looked so ready to kill me that night."

"He needs to stop doing that." I let out a chuckle.

"But I could have totally handle it." He smile showing of his muscles. I couldn't control my laughter. "I could do with my eyes close

"I'm sure you would be able to take him down." I smile boosting his ego. 

"Of course I can. Look at me." He gestures at himself. "Wanna watch old movies and chill?" He asked once we were sober

"Just like old times?" I asked grinning widely. When Liam went to bed Charlie came over sometimes to keep me company. He brought Karen along sometimes. It stopped when they broke up.

"Just like old times." He grins back at me. "By the way why are you walking like a penguin?"

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