Chapter 27

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Dorothy's POV

I wake up to find myself tied up to a chair. I was in a cavernous underground room with very little lighting. I squint trying to see if anything is familiar to me. I see Liam in an unconscious state tied up to a chair too.

"Liam!" I call out to him but he doesn't respond to me. I tugged at the ropes that were holding me down to the chair. 

I try to stay calm. Someone is going to realize we are gone and start looking for us. There is no way we are going to be here for long. I lean back into my chair trying to stay positive. I can't let my life end like this.

I'm not married. Oh god I'm pregnant with a four years boy. I can't my life end like this. I try my best to stay strong for Liam and life inside me. 

My heart starts beating faster once I hear footsteps not so far from the room. The person comes closer and whispers something to somebody or himself. I guess he's here to check in us. The lock on the door clicks and it opens.

I squint trying to recognize the figure walking towards me but the dim light doesn't really help. The figure keeps walking closer till I can see a bit clearly. It's a man. He looks Russian. I can bet he has a Russian accent too.

"Who are you?" I asked him when he stops in front of me.

"My name is Igor," He answers with his thick Russian accent. "And your name in Dorothea."

I was taken back at his revelation. "How did you know?"

He let out a little chuckle. I look at him closely to notice dagger in his hand. "I've been watching you for a while."

I look down in fear. 

"I have eyes everywhere Dora. I see the people that are around you."  He smirked looking down at Liam. "You always around this boy."

"That's because he's my son." I spit at him no knowing where the courage came from.

"Let me give you a piece of advise." He presses the dagger against Liam's face. "I wouldn't talk to me in that tone."

"Please leave him." I beg trying to get out of the ropes that was on me. "He's just a little kid."

"A smart one too." Igor grinned at me. "I watch him too. I see you drop him off in that school everyday. I watched him grow too."

I felt my stomach knot in disgust knowing that someone has been watching me for about four years. I try my best not to throw up in front of this intimidating man in front of me. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Looking Liam's peaceful face made me wonder if this would be the last time I see him.

"Don't feel uncomfortable. I was only intrigued by your daily routines." He chuckled lifting the dagger from Liam's soft skin. "I was also keeping an eye on particular guy."

"That's not my problem." I snap at him. Great my hormone are kicking in. "I don't see how you keeping and eye on someone brings us here."

The look in his eyes could simply interpret that he was ready to murder me. "You are testing me Dorothea."

"Why are we here?" I asked him looking at the floor trying to hide my annoyed expression.

"I need him to find you?" He said walking back into the darkness.

"Who?!" I shout at him before he leaves the room. I really don't want him to go.  I don't want to be left alone with my thoughts.

"Vincenzo King." He answered and my hearts drops.

I left Ethan because I had a feeling something like this happens. I didn't want Liam in danger and know I'm pregnant I can't be in danger. Seeing him at the wedding earlier today I had a feeling something wasn't right. I never told him about the wedding so it was quit suspicious that he was there.

"Wait!" I shout again at him hoping he would stop. "Please." I quickly added.

"What?" He snapped but not entering into the light. I can tell he is losing his patients with me.

"Do you have kids." I asked him with tears in my eyes again.

"How's that any of your business?" He asked bluntly.

"You said you watched Liam grow." I point out to him. "You said he was smart."

"I wasn't lying."

"So please for Liam." I beg him with tears running down my face. "I won't tell the cops that it was you. Please let us go."

"You see, the thing is that I need you here." He closed the door. For a minute nothing was said so I assumed he left but I was wrong. "He will come for you."

"What do you want with him." I cried out to him. "What did he do to you? Eh! What could he have possibly have done."

"You asked if I had kids?"

No please no.

Ethan isn't a heartless monster. He wouldn't do that.

"He killed my family." He said in a broken voice. "He killed my Annika"

"I'm so sorry." I cried at the thought of losing Liam. "I'm so sorry you have to go through that."

"I don't need your sympathy." He spat at me giving me a deadly glare. "I only need him dead."

I felt my body shiver at the thought of Ethan dying. I can't lose him. I can't lose him again.  I need him. I love him too much.

"Please." I tears keep rushing down my face. "Killing him won't bring them back. It won't get any better. You'll keep on living your life seeking for any kind of revenge. Please don't do this."

"You only say this because you love him." He looks down at me in disgust.

"I left him once I found out he was in this world." I reveal to him. "I couldn't see him destroy lives for a living. I couldn't watch him constantly seek revenge. I couldn't watch him live his life based on everything that happened in the past."

Igor looks at me in surprise but I wasn't done talking.

"Yes I love him. I'll love him a thousand years but that doesn't mean I don't see the fault in what he does. You see, if you kill him someone else out there would kill you because of it. It would be a never ending cycle of loathe." I look at Liam. "It would just be a game of pass. No winner or loser. You don't ever feel victorious because you live in fear. Fear that someone close to you would get hurt or fear of leaving this world. It isn't worth it. I'm not saying this because I love Ethan. I'm saying this because it's the truth."

He looks at me in awe but quickly changes back to his blank expression.

"But the thing is I don't have anyone close to me anymore." He said before he walked out of the room leaving me surrounded with my dark thought floating around.

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