Chapter 5

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"Y/N, I told you for the last time to be careful! This is the last one I'm buying for you, if it goes missing one more time you are using your own money from now on." Your mum berates harshly while handing you a clear tube filled with baby pink lip gloss.

"I'm sorry mum, but just I know someone's stealing them! I leave it on my desk, I go to the bathroom, I come back, and then it's not there anymore!" You argue back, trying to reason with her.

There was no way your broke, stingy self was going to start buying lip gloss with your own money from now on, they were so expensive for just a tiny tube.

"Nobody's stealing them Y/N, stop blaming other people for your own mistakes. Now go to your room and get changed, your father's coming back soon and we're going out for dinner with family friends." She pushes you out of the kitchen while you try to convince your mum that it wasn't your fault someone had been taking your lip glosses.

Sighing in defeat and annoyance, you enter your room and close the door behind you, being careful not to slam it as it may anger your mum even more, oblivious to the inky eyes that trailed you from afar. You fumble through your closet trying to pick an appropriate outfit. 

Sakusa's stare never left you, his breath hitched as you lifted up your tank top, giving him access for his eyes to travel where it pleased.  

You were in the middle of putting on a shirt when you see something flash at the corner of your gaze. 

What the hell? You did a 360, trying to find the source of the light, but to no avail, so you shrugged it off until you started undressing your lower half and it happened again. 

Y/N, your body is so beautiful... He lowers the phone and continues to watch you strip, butterflies fluttering in his stomach. 

You quickly finish changing and head outside, scanning your front yard, heart-pounding, and waiting for something to happen. It was the evening and the sun was just starting to set when suddenly you hear slight rustling in the bushes that scared the living daylights out of you.

Nope nope nope nope nope, I've seen way too many horror movies for this shit, I'm outta here

You rushed back indoors, crying out for your mum who was still in the kitchen drying the dishes, shouting at you to be quiet.

"Mum I swear someone's outside our house, I saw like- like a little flash thingy in my room and then like-" You spew out the jumbled up sentences while your mother just stares at you waving your arms about, looking as convinced as if you told her your head was a basketball.

"It must've been in your imagination Y/N, nobody's out there, don't start scaring yourself now." She interrupts, waving a dismissive hand.

"But muuuum!"

"What's going on here?" A familiar voice intervenes.

"Your daughter has been watching too many horror movies and now she's scared because she thinks there's someone hiding in our bushes." Your mother explains while finishing up drying the last few plates.

"Oh dear, I didn't see anyone in our front yard when I drove in though... Anyhow, let's go, we're going to be late for dinner. I'll be waiting in the car, so please hurry up." The man slips his wallet in his pocket and heads out the door.

"See? As your dad said, there's nobody there, so let's go." She drags you by the arm, following your father towards the car. You get in and buckle your seatbelt. 

Maybe my mind IS playing tricks on me. you mused. I really have to start sleeping earlier... you decided while looking out the window.

Did I scare you Y/N? I apologise, I'll be more careful next time, you know I'll never do anything to hurt you... but I couldn't resist, you just looked so pretty... Sakusa thought to himself as he tucked his phone back into his pocket, his eyes following the car that disappeared into the distance. In his pockets, he fiddled with a small tube of lip gloss. 

To our lovely readers:

Hello there! We're back with another update, and yes there was barely any Sakusa in this chapter, we apologise, however you'll definitely be seeing him more in the future updates. Any comments, suggestions, feedback will be greatly appreciated,  and again, thank you so much for reading. 

Please remember to take care of yourselves and stay safe!



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