Chapter 19

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*Trigger warnings* 

Mentions of murder, mentions of stalking

You look behind.

See? There's no one there Y/N, no one there. Just like mum said, you watch too many horror movies, so don't scare yourself.

Gulping, you continued walking. But the footsteps, you heard them again.

Ahahahah I'm just imagining things... Okay maybe there might be something there

You spin your head back and scan the space behind you, houses to your left and right, well maintained street and not another soul in sight. It was impossible for someone to be hiding and not be noticed. You sigh, a little bit more relieved, however still feeling the trepidation flowing through your veins.

Why would anyone want to stalk you anyway you ugly piece of shit

You laugh softly to yourself, trying to lighten up your terrified mood. It sort of worked, but you knew you still had to be extremely cautious. You resumed walking but at a faster pace, throwing a few glances behind just in case until you heard rustling behind you, followed by a deep, low groan and a SNAP.


You wasted no time and darted for it, the overflowing fear that stored up in you took away everything else in your mind, the only thing that mattered right now was to just run. You let your legs take you where it wished, where you ended up had little importance as long as you made it out of this night safe. Making random turns through your neighbourhood, you finally come to a stop as you have run out of stamina, you couldn't keep going anymore. How inconvenient.

I... I can still fight right? It might actually work... okay no I'm being a dumbass, this is exactly how I can get myself killed.

Sweat ran down the sides of your face as you forced yourself to keep going. Every step was one step away from whoever that was. I can make it, think positive... You aimlessly wander around  until you come across a familiar playground. The chances of meeting other people here were higher, you were about to head to the swings when your clumsy self tripped over nothing and plummeted to the ground. Fucking hell...

With your ears ringing, you were panting hard, thoughts of kidnap clouded your mind.

You've always overestimated your own ability, being cocky and thinking that if you were in a situation like this, you could easily just fight back against your attacker and win. However, now that you were actually thrown into a real life scenario, your arrogance completely dispersed.

The sun was setting as the streetlights began to glow, you were so frustrated with yourself for making the mistake of staying extra hours at the library. The sky above you darkened into blackness, this was the latest you've ever been out alone.

You shudder, pulling your blazer tighter around your body.

I'm a literal idiot, wasting all my energy like that...

Your eyes watered, it felt like there was a bubble growing in your chest that kept on expanding by the second, forbidding you to breathe properly. You interlocked both of your hands and put your forehead against the knuckles of your thumb. God, please, if you're real, let me live tonight...

Out of nowhere, you feel a hand on your shoulder. Terror explodes inside of you as you begin screaming and kicking away at whoever was there.


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