Ellie & Katie

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"Okay class remember you have a lab report due Monday. I'll see you next class." I heard my professor shout and all the student began walking out of the lecture hall.

Finally my biology lecture was over.

I packed up my bag and slung one strap over my shoulder. I looked up to the front of my lecture hall to notice one of my classmates was staring back at me. She caught my eye the very first lecture and ever since then I find myself looking for her in and out of class. I smiled down to her and she waved up to me. I turned back to my notes smiling like a fool, I made it to the door when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to see who it was and I literally almost fainted. There in front of me stood Katie.

"Ellie. Hey I was wondering if you wanted to maybe work with me on this report?" I nodded my head for fear that I'd stutter like an idiot. "Great, I'll give you my number. Text me your dorm and room number and I'll see you at 8pm? Sound good?"

I nodded again and pulled out my phone. She typed in her number and handed it back to me then walked out of the class. I looked down at my phone, I was freaking out. She had typed in her name and after she put a winky face emoji. Holy crap, what does this mean? I didn't have time to dwell on it for too long because before I knew it I had another lecture to go to.


I finished my classes for the day and was now headed back to my dorm. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and looked at the time, shit! It was now 7:30 and I'd forgotten to text Katie. I swiped through my contacts until I saw her name, I quickly clicked on it and called her. The phone rung a few times then she picked up.

"Hello, Katie speaking. Who's this?" God her voice just...

I went to speak but my throat felt like it was closing.


I tried again but still nothing came out.

"This isn't funny." Then I heard the call end.

"SHIT!" I yelled to no one.

I cleared my throat and stopped walking. Come on Ellie you can do this. I redialed her number, it again rung a few times and then I heard her pick up on the other end.

"Hello? Are you going to talk now?" She was mad.

"Hey Katie, i'm sorry about earlier I hadn't realized my phone had muted me." Nice save.

"I'm sorry who is this?" She asked again sounding less angry.

"Ohh its Ellie, I realized I had forgotten to text you so I decided to call and explain."

"Ellie!" Her voice perked up. "Ohh its fine." I heard her giggle. "So where am I headed by the way?"

I chuckled. "Head over to Killington Hall, room 401."

"Sounds good to me, are you there now?"

I looked around me. I was about 10 minutes from my hall. "No I'm in front of the library right now. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Wait right there, I'm inside the library."

Of course she was. I smiled into my phone. "Okay, I'll wait here. But hurry its cold."

I heard some rustling on the other end. "I'm coming down the stairs now. See you in a second." The call ended and I turned around to see Katie running out the door.

"Did you think I'd really leave you?"

She smiled at me. "I wasn't sure so I decided to not take any chances."

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