Chapter 40 [Edited]

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Chapter 40

Colton's P.O.V- Before Chace met Katherine

            Our dark clothes helped us blend in to the night and the scent that our pack had made also helped. My dagger was held in my hand ready to be awakened and stabbed at any one who gets in my way. I felt like a knight in the fairy-tales who was going on a mission to save a beautiful princess. Fairy tales may not be true but doesn't mean fairy tale moments aren't.

"Liam, it's your go." I told Liam through the mind link and I knew that everybody could hear it.

          "Okay I'm going in." Liam responded. I watched from behind a tree as Liam went in. He knew the plan. Liam goes in to the basement where Katherine is most likely being held and get her while we fight on the surface, it was our diversion . We waited a few seconds and then a blonde guy came out of the house, he took a cigar into his hands and lit it, I watched as he put it to his mouth and smoked. However, a pair of footsteps coming from the distance where we were hidden made him stop and look around. Idiot I cursed to that person mentally.

        However the guy shrugged and looked away but another footstep came and he looked back into my direction. And then he yelled, "guys I think we have company." A couple more guys came outside and I couldn't stop the snarl that had left my mouth, dammit where the hell is Liam!

"Show yourself coward." The guy called, he dropped his cigarette and looked around blankly.

I chuckled darkly and came out from behind the tree, "The only coward here is your Alpha. Where the fuck is he?"

The guy growled at me for dissing his Alpha and I smirked, "Who the hell are you?"

I chuckled darkly again, "Your worst nightmare."

             The guy charged at me and I easily dodged him as I moved to the left however before I could turned around another guy charged at me making me fall back onto the floor and I snarled as I jumped up. The blonde guy again charged at me and we both fell to the floor he started punching my ribs and my face, as an Alpha my strength was far greater than his. His attacks made little impact but nothing great. I pushed him off me and threw him against the other three guys who all stumbled back and then he chuckled. "Four against one doesn't seem fair does it?" He teased.

            "Who said I'm alone?" I retorted. Then I heard footsteps behind me and at least twelve people stepped out and the look on their faces was priceless. We were ready to attack but the sound of a door closing and opening tore our attention towards Nicklaus stepping out with Kayla. I wasn't surprised I kind of saw it coming.

Liam's voice came into my head ,'Alpha Katherine's not here.'

I frowned and replied, 'What do you mean not here?'

             'She's gone. All the chains in the basement have been unlocked and there's some pieces of shredded clothes on the floor that smell like Katherine. I searched the whole house but she's not here. I just fought with someone and asked them where she was but they didn't know themselves.'

            'Get back here.We'll sort something out.' I looked around and my eyes stopped at Chace and then I communicated with him using the mind link and I said, 'Chace, Katherine is gone and nobody knows how but you have to find her quick look around but don't tell anyone.

'What-' He started but I interrupted him.

'Don't ask questions just go.' He nodded at me and silently left however Logan saw this and frowned at me.

Persuade me Mr Alpha {Re- editing}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang