Chapter 37 [Edited]

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Chapter 37

         This was one of those moments where you were forced to hide your pain so that you don't seem weak. I knew I couldn't show my pain and give them the satisfaction. I had learned from my past, from the bullying, how to mask my pain and get on with my life but never was I forced to mask physical pain.

         The back of my top was torn and the front of my top was slightly torn as well. I'm pretty sure the marks were imprinted on my skin. My back was throbbing from the pain that Nick was inflicting on me. Connor stood in the corner he didn't look up while Nick whipped me instead he kept his head down and I noticed him flinch when the whip connected with my flesh.My body was exhausted. It wasn't healing properly. I felt faint and tired I was sure that I was going to pass out but the feeling of cold water against my face woke me up.

            "Still not talking are we?" Nicklaus asked. I picked my head up to look at him. My hair was sticking to my face and half of my torso was wet with water. I licked the water off of my lips in order to quench some of my thirst. I was thirsty and hungry. How long have I been here for?

              "If you think I'm going to talk because of some baby whips then you're as dumb as you look." I answered him, with a slight growl. I prayed that Colton would come sooner, he promised he would come to get me.  Nicklaus growled, that brought my attention back to him. The door opened and we all turned our heads to see a girl with chocolate brown hair and brown eyes enter the room with a tray of food and a water bottle.

               "What do you want?" Nicklaus snarled at her. I saw Connor's jaw tighten and his fist clench, frowning I turned to the girl who looked slightly petrified. She saw me and her warm brown eyes filled with sorrow and sympathy.

            "I thought she might be hungry." She answered timidly. My blue eyes racked the food and my lips were dry with hunger, the temptation and the smell hitting me like a bullet. I knew that Nicklaus saw my hunger because he looked at me and then towards the food, from the corner of my eyes I saw him smirk.

          "Give it here." He demanded. The girl scurried and gave it to Nicklaus. That's when I caught a quick glimpse at her. She looked to be quite taller than me probably five- foot- seven, she was quite tall but also quite petite in a way, she seemed very fragile and she looked to be a bit older than me but not too young than Logan or Chace. After giving the food she quickly walked away, closing the door behind her.

               "Are you hungry Katherine? Or even thirsty?" My lips begged to taste water and the delicious looking food but I knew that I had to stand my ground and resist any temptations. I wanted to say 'No I'm not hungry' but those words wouldn't form out of my mouth. This confirmed Nicklaus's suspicion of my hunger and I knew he would use it against me. "There's a very easy way to eat all this delicious food Natalia made." So that's what her name was. "All you have to do is tell me the packs weaknesses." I looked at the food and then at him blankly, "It's that simple just tell me?"

"Their weaknesses for the food and water?" I asked confirming it. Nicklaus's eyes brightened and Connor looked up at me in surprise.

"Yes." He confirmed.

"Like I said before you're as dumb as you look. A dumb name for a dumb guy, it goes." He glared at me, "My pack come first because they're not just my pack they're my family. You're getting nothing out of me, dick head."

           He put the food down and whipped me hard on my stomach. I cried out in pain, not expecting it. He hit me where I was still wounded from the knife. I felt the blood drip from my stomach and down my legs. He whipped me again and I let out a scream. There's always that one moment when going through hell that you just have to break down and show your weakness, this was my moment. With every whip came a scream. My vision become blurry and I felt fresh, hot tears stream down my face.

             "Hurts now doesn't it?" He asked rhetorically. I whimpered in pain and looked down at the ground, feeling slight faint. I could picture Nicklaus smirking right now and I hated it. The darkness slowly enveloped me and all I could think of was where are you Colton?

Logon's P.O.V

It had already been a whole day but we had no clear plan just weapons. We were debating on how we should confront Nick. I could tell Colton was starting to get agitated from how long it was taking to find his mate.

       "Oh I know." Liam said. We all looked at him with hope in our eyes, "How about we all dress up as trees to camouflage into the forest and then we can all came close to the place and then we can quickly grab the guards beat them up and then take their clothes, pretend to be them. Quickly sneak Katherine out and if we have to, we put up a fight and kaboom we are out and free."

          Everybody had blank stares on their faces and I just gave Liam a look that said you're an idiot . "This isn't a movie Liam. It's reality, our friend, our best friend is in trouble we're not going to use a stupid movie plan."  I told him.

He scoffed and crossed his arms "Fine. You think of something then." I shook my head at him and sighed. The room went pin drop silent everybody was thinking of a plan, in the living room at the pack house.

"How about we wait?" Someone from my pack yelled. I looked to see that it was Jacob.

"Wait?" Colton asked.

"Yeah wait. You know element of surprise, give Nicklaus a taste of his own medicine."

          Colton was going to open his mouth to speak but then I spoke and said, "That's actually a good idea." Everybody stared at me "Yeah. You said yourself Colton that Nicklaus usually teases and make your paranoid and that he waits to make a move. We should do that too it'll give us more time to plan and Nicklaus a surprise."

"But do you know the risks that we could face like that?" Chace asked "That means leaving Katherine there for many days."

"Who knows what's happening to her now." Aden added.

"Yeah, this could affect her life." Skylar added.

                   "I know but it's better than to rush in and fight like this and risking the deaths of many pack members. We could use this time to think of tactics as well, think of advantages."

"No. I am not waiting for something bad to happen to my mate," Colton growled. "We go now!"

"Colton calm down. We have to think this through. This is the only way we can save Katherine and eliminate Nicklaus for good."

"Fine but this better work." Colton said "This is my mate we're talking about."

"And my sister." Mason said "That prick, Nicklaus killed my parents please tell me that this plan involves killing him."

I looked him in the eye, "It will work and we will kill him."

Picture: Cover by AndyDw

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