Chapter 27 || Not Now

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"Yeah, he's my personal chauffeur now," I reply. "Why, are you jelly?"

"I'm not jealous," He grumbles. "Just stay away from him."

"Just because he's in the rival gang doesn't mean I can't be friends with him," I retort, my arms crossed over my chest. What chest? I don't even know. I'm so flat.

"Yes, yes it does. Just because I warmed up to you doesn't mean everyone else is the same. Kaden Arrow is ruthless. He wants you for something, and as long as he doesn't know you know me..."

"Oh he knows."

"What?!" He breathes through gritted teeth. "You told Kaden Arrow that you know his number one enemy."

When he puts it like that... "Yeah?" I smile sheepishly. "It's fine, I can take care of myself."

"You got kidnapped," He points. Well, he does have a good point there, but I won't let him know that! And I read somewhere that the best way to get a man to kiss you is to tap into his pride.

Wait, kiss? It's not even nine in the morning and you're already horny?

"By you. And you've got the best mafia in the country," I compliment. The corner of his mouth twitches up into a slight smirk.

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride!" I shout, just a little too loudly. "Shit. Shut me up! Why can't I shut up?!" And that's when a sound escapes Adrian's lips that I've never heard come from him. Laughter. And oh boy, is it contagious.

Soon, I find myself laughing with him. "I made you laugh," I say through laughter. "I made you laugh!"

"It felt good," He laughs.

"It felt good hearing it," I smile, keeping my eyes off his lips as much as possible, but they're so damn irresistible! I just want to kiss him senseless. "You're so hot." And this time, it didn't just slip out. I meant every word I said.

"Funny how just a while ago, my ex told me I wasn't."

"Well, she's blind to not see how beautiful you are. You're so damn hot," I tell him, and for the first time, I mean everything I say to him. Adrian leans closer to me, our foreheads almost touching.

"I want to kiss you," He breathes. A simple movement of his lips forming sounds sends electricity running through me as if I just touched a 10,000 volt wire.

"Then kiss me," I whisper, my voice craving. After that day he gave me a taste of lips, I've always wanted more. And now, he wants to kiss me.

"Not now. Not here."


Nearly two weeks had passed by after that incident. Of course, things haven't suddenly turned awkward between me and that hottie. He gets to leave the hospital today and like finally because hospitals don't have good fashion sense.

Everyday, I would go and visit him. We'd exchange a few insults as well a few jokes. I'd feel his arm muscles, and he'd tell me that my hair smells good. I'd bring ice cream only for it to melt by the time I got there. Then I'd suggest that he should drink the ice cream, but he'd say 'I love strawberry, but not that much,' and then we'd laugh.

He just got his stitches out last night, and has been on painkillers for the past 12 hours because it's supposed to hurt a lot. But he should be fine around now. Still slightly hurting, so he has to rest a lot and take more painkillers, but in a week from now, he's supposed to be all good except he still has a broken wrist.

Tattoos and Scars | Rewritten VersionWhere stories live. Discover now