Chapter 41 || Chocolate

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I hooked my arm with Kaden's after assuring Adrian, several times, that Kaden is a brother to me. It's surprising how much assurance a jealous boyfriend needs. Kaden had a white limousine, which I had to drool over for a second before climbing into it.

The insides were way better. There was a snack bar, from which I took a pack of chips from. It had colorful lights too! I mean, I literally loved it!

Now, we're walking into the humongous palace where the party is being hosted. "Who's place is this?" I ask Kaden.

"No one's. Or the hosts will get territorial," Kaden tells me. I nod understandingly as we walk into the grand hall where several men and women are clinking glasses with each other, attempting to seduce hot men, and other things.

The atmosphere was stuffy, drunk and dangerous. I absolutely hated it. But as long as I'm with Adrian for the rest of tonight, everything will be fine.

They all glance over at Kaden, who seemed to claim the room with his ravishing outfit. Their eyes then shift to me, and some are burning with jealousy.

I look around for Adrian, and see him standing near the side of the hall. I feel Kaden's hand unravel from mine. "I saw a cute chick, do you mind if I leave? I know you want to spend time with Adrian, so I think it's okay, right?"

"Sure, Cabby," I offer him a sisterly smile, and he disappears into the crowd. I make my way towards Adrian, and plant a peck on his lips. Now, the looks I was getting were utterly priceless.

They all look legitimately confused and jealous. That's right people! I'm linked with both mafias! Stare away!

Adrian's arms wrap around my waist, sending a flood of warmth through me. "Do you want to grab some food?" He asks me. "There's a big buffet."

"That's exactly why I came here," I grin. "Let's go!" I wrap my arms around Adrian's, taking a good minute to feel his muscles. "Did you start working out again?"

"Yeah. Now that my wrist is all better."

Damn, I wish I could workout. I'd probably cave in while trying to lift a five pound dumbell. Someone taps my shoulder, and I turn around to see who it is. I almost immediately go into cardiac arrest.

These were the same girls that forced alcohol into me that day. Why are they here? "Can we talk to you for a minute?" She asks, a sinister glint in her eyes. Yeah... no. My arms tighten around Adrian's hand, and he notices me tense.

He plants a kiss on my forehead. "Let's go, baby," He tells me, and I resist the urge to sneer at the girls.

"Um, did you know there's lipstick on your face?" One of the girls asks, lazily ogling him. Eyes off him! Insert feral hissing noises.

"Yeah, it's my girl's. Is there a problem?" He asks coldly. Yes! He's only emotional and warm with me! That's right bitches, that's my man!

"No, no problem at all," She mutters, anger reeking from her body as she continues to undress Adrian with her eyes. I pull Adrian away from them, and towards the buffet, my dark mood instantly scatters away once I see how amazing the buffet looks.

There is a literal chocolate fountain! I tug on Adrian's sleeve, about to ask him if I can go. "Have at it," Adrian tells me, clearly reading my mind. Why don't I see any females here? I shrug, and grab a piece of chocolate from the table and pop it into my mouth.

Tattoos and Scars | Rewritten VersionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora