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It had been three months since Eleanor had moved into the small town of Avonlea, and she was loving every second of it. She had made a good group of friends who stayed by her side whenever she was upset, they all loved her truly. But the one who had a special eye on her, was Gilbert Blythe. 

Gilbert Blythe's POV

I couldn't help but stare at Eleanor as she wrote, she was seated just in the row before me on the girls side. The way her red hair fell gently over her shoulder and eyes, the way she bit her lip when she was focusing, or the way she would giggle when Anne told her something. When she first arrived, I noticed her beauty right off the bat. She was gorgeous, the prettiest girl to set foot in Avonlea in years I'd say. But when I finally met her, I could feel my heartbeat racing as she spoke to me. Her voice was soft like molasses on a sunny summers eves, and her beauty was beyond compare. 

I often spent nights wondering what it'd be like to hold her hand, or even kiss her cheek. I was never the romantic type, even when Ruby tried to confess to me. But she wasn't my type, nothing against her of course...it's just she's nothing like Eleanor. Ruby was short with blonde hair, and she tended to cry a lot more than the other girls. While Eleanor was refine and very headstrong, something I look for in a relationship. 

But today was special, today was her sixteenth birthday, I still can't believe she's a whole year older than me! It was a chilly December day, the fourteenth to be exact. And I was waiting on our "secret" trail to walk to school. Me and Eleanor usually walk to school together, Alvin sometimes joins but Eleanor just shoos him off. He's a real nice fellow, and he's a great friend. I still don't know how to tell him that I fancy his younger sister, I'm sure he wouldn't mind through. 

My ears perk up as I hear her laugh echoing through the snow ridden woods. I glance up to see her walking with Alvin, he was dramatically waving his arms around as she had her hand covering her mouth to stop herself from laughing. My cheeks flush red when we meet eyes, her face lights up as she moves towards me. I can't help but notice her beautiful winter dress, she had told me that her father sent her a winter dress for her birthday. It was a light brown dress that complicated her curves, white fur sat beautifully on the arm cuffs and neckline, and a small matching belt tied around her waist. Her hands were shoved in a small white thing, I hadn't a clue what it was. She had it resting on her stomach as she walked, I suppose it's to keep a woman's hand warm. I had to admit, it looked quite warm. 

"Hello Gilbert, fancy seeing you here." Eleanor smiled as she walked over to me. 

"Well hello Madam Parks, it's a pleasure making you're acquaintance." I bowed, I smiled when I heard her laughing. 

"Get a room." Alvin grumbled as he shoved a belt of books at me, I guessed it was Eleanor's since she couldn't very well carry it with the white thing holding her hands. 

"Do you like my new dress? Father sent it to me for my birthday." she stated and spun in a circle, her dress moving elegantly with her. 

"I think it's looks beautiful on you." I answered truthfully

Eleanor's cheeks flushed a tint of rose, as did mine as we stared at each other. Alvin cleared his throat and pointed infant of them, we took that as a "Let's get a move on" and started for the school house. 

"I wonder if Mr Phillips will be in a sour mood today." Eleanor thought aloud. 

"Most likely, when is he not?" Alvin grumbled. 

"Ain't that the truth." I sighed, Mr Phillips had been jumping down our throat all year. It didn't help that he couldn't peel his eyes away from Prissy or Eleanor. 

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐁𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now