Chapter One: The Reluctant Debutante

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A forewarning, dearest reader. I have never read any Jane Austen novels, but I, like most of the ton I assume, have been beguiled by Netflix's Bridgerton series, and I couldn't help, but concoct this fanfic. Now we find ourselves in a precarious situation: as I am neither equipped with proper historical knowledge nor with the genre-specific jargon, there will be some discrepancies between my storytelling and the era it is set in. Albeit, if you bear with me, I thank you for your perseverance.

Yours truly,
Lady Holmes


Titled, chaste and innocent – Frances Granville, or more often referred to as Franny, wondered whether that was all she was entitled to be. Whether a respectable lady should only wish to be married, in love if one would find herself so lucky, and to produce heirs. Surely there was something else in life to aspire to...

Arriving at London days before the courting season began, Franny held two convictions: one, that she was not interested in men, especially not in lords who paraded impeccably around courting innocent young ladies at balls only to close their nights in brothels. Two, that if she did not secure a husband herself this season, her father would make a match with someone at least twice her age and half her wits. Since her mother recently passed away, Franny became a burden to her father and his newfound gorgeous, complacent and young wife, therefore she was sent away to be married off.

As she was bouncing along in a carriage on the way to Henry Granville's house, her maid, Annabeth smiled at her encouragingly and she found some reassurance in her company. Annabeth was a few years older than her, short, a little plum, with coal-coloured hair and a kind smile that was a permanent feature of her heart-shaped face.

"Do not worry, my lady. You have always found visits to your uncle most entertaining," said Annabeth.

Letting out a small sigh while looking out of the window, Franny replied, "It is not the visit I fret, per se, but the purpose of it."

Before Annabeth could reply, the carriage came to a halt as they reached their destination. The door was opened, and a servant offered his white-gloved hand to Franny.

"My dear, it's wonderful to see you," as Lucy Granville embraced her in a tight hug, she could smell her lavender-scented perfume which reminded her of home.

Henry Granville greeted her with a bow and a wide smile, "We have been eagerly waiting for your arrival."

"Dare I say, dearest Uncle, that the sentiment is not entirely reciprocated. I am, of course, happy to see you, but to be paraded around, in the hope of securing a decent marriage proposal, which is the least of my desire, is not how I would choose to spend my summer." 

In most households, Franny's answer would have been answered with chastising, but the Granvilles were not anything like any other members of the high society.

"Now my favourite niece, I take offence to that. When have you," he looked slyly to his wife from the corner of his eyes, "or anyone for that matter, has been forced to do anything, least desired, in this house?" replied Mr. Granville with a playful smile.

"Very well, this season might be bearable after all," Franny smiled widely as they entered the house.

Every inch of the house was decorated with Granville's masterpieces. Franny took her time to marvel at each one. She always admired her uncle for his unique talent, a talent, that she herself secretly shared, not the least thanks to the mentoring of Mr. Granville.

Coal Among Diamonds │Benedict BridgertonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant