Chapter Nineteen: Trouble Brewing

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It has also come to this Author's attention that Frances Granville, or Franny to her friends, however scarce they may be according to her own record, has been a frequent visitor at the Bridgerton house. After the bouquet she has sent to Colin Bridgerton, we wouldn't be surprised if she has decided to call on Benedict herself. Albeit, by mere coincidence, Mr. Wheatfield, known for his distinct odour and certainly not for his talent in painting, has recently been made redundant, leaving Hyacinth Bridgerton in need of a painting teacher. This Author, of course, doesn't imply any connection between the two events.

Franny put the newspaper down and stared out of the window deep in thought. It was noteworthy that for the first time ever Lady Whistledown has called her Franny. She liked being known in public as Frances, cool and distant, and she wasn't exactly running around telling people about her nickname. Only her family, Lord Wetherby, a handful of people in the art studio knew, and recently the Bridgertons have also learnt about it. Most curious -- she thought. Albeit, she supposed that she should be happy about Lady Whistledown announcing her teaching painting lessons – it might attract a few more pupils. She resumed reading.

Unfortunately, there are some graver matters to be shared...

Franny gasped as she finished reading and felt as if she had been scalded. Marina was with child from the very first day and her whole engagement to Colin was a scam to cover up her secret. And Franny knew for a fact that Colin was truly enamoured with her. She could not imagine how devastated he must have been feeling.

The carriage came to a halt and the door was opened before Franny could think of anything to do. The Bridgerton butler took one look at her and hurried away to announce her presence and she was led to the drawing room, not giving her the chance to protest.

An unusually uncomposed Lady Bridgerton welcomed her with a warm smile.

"Violet, I am so-so sorry, I have just learnt about the news. Tell me how I can help. Should I leave you alone?" Franny inquired, her mind racing with worry.

"Thank you, dearest," Violet cupped her cheeks lovingly, and she felt herself melt under the motherly touch, "I believe we will resolve the matter, but I would be grateful if we proceeded with Hyacinth's lesson as if nothing was amiss."

Franny read between the lines and understood that taking the youngest sister off the Bridgerton matriarch's hands was the best she could offer her assistance with.

"Of course."

Franny was left alone with Hyacinth and all the art supplies prepared, including a bowl of fruit they were to paint. It only took a quarter of an hour for the painting session to fail miserably.

"Hyacinth, you are so completely off that we cannot even pass your pearl for a potato," she sighed deeply.

The younger girl shrugged in a very unladylike manner and proceeded to bite on the aforementioned fruit.

"And now you are eating our painting matter. This session is officially doomed."

"Then we should proceed to more important matters," Hyacinth replied, not batting an eye.

"You mean charcoal drawings," Franny suggested slyly.

"I mean eavesdropping on my family."

"Hyacinth, that would be completely inappropriate!"

"Come on Franny, are you not dying to know what they are planning to get out of this conundrum?"

Franny bit her lips because she was indeed dying to find out, but she was asked to babysit, and she was committed to doing her best.

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