Chapter Eleven: Will You Let Me Lead

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"I might not be a coward, but I am also no fool," Benedict broke the silence while helping both of them to some champagne.

"Certainly not, why would you imply that?" Franny inquired, taking a little sip from the drink hoping that it would give her courage.

"If I am not mistaken, you have already turned down my offer to dance on no less than two occasions. It would certainly hurt my pride if you finally danced with me because Lady Danbury has ordered us," he said with a what Franny labelled a Bridgerton-smile: a smile of a man very aware and making use of his charms.

"Well, nobody would dare say no to Lady Danbury."

Benedict chuckled and offered his hand gallantly, locking Franny's eyes. She lifted her arm only to stop in mid-air.

"But there are some pressing matters to be discussed first."

Benedict grinned, taking a big gulp from his champagne. Frances Granville was certainly playing hard to get probably without even realising.

"Dancing and talking are very much compatible."

"For me, they are not."

"Very well," he extended his arms questioningly, "What do you wish to discuss, Miss Granville?"

She took another sip of champagne and a deep breath, fortunately not at the same time.

"I believe apologies are in order, after what happened in Somerset House."

Benedict inspected her expectantly, not giving her the release of either apologising first or interceding. After all, two could play the game.

Franny expected him to jump at the chance to settle the matter between them, but judging by the mischievous glint in his eyes, he certainly was not going to. Very well, she wasn't a coward either.

"I am sorry, Mr. Bridgerton. You did come to my rescue, that was very kind of you. I apologise for reacting in a bad manner. And you were right about Cressida as well, it was cruel for me to criticise her," she blurted in one breath before she could chicken out.

Benedict nodded deeply, "Thank you, Miss Granville, I appreciate it. And, of course, I was at fault also. It was beyond cruel of me to abuse your trust and it certainly was not my place to criticise you. I must apologise to you as well."

Franny nodded the same way and silence fell on them. It was one of those quiet, content moments which neither of them felt compelled to break. Finally, Franny offered her hand.

"I shall very much like to dance with you, Mr. Bridgerton. Would you do me the honour?"

Benedict has never been asked to dance before, neither did he not know of any male acquaintances who have been, but he appreciated her boldness. He slipped his hand into hers before she could change her mind.

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