Chapter 15 - Part 2

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The air felt clean and pleasant. Haiden sat down on a stone bench relaxing with Maree and Camila while eating a meat pie that Maree had saved for him. Both Maree and Camila were invested in a deep conversation, or rather gossip, about Bras Ameral. The most powerful student in the Academy, not by power, but status. The sole son of one of the Councilman that help run the Empire and third in line to the throne. Being the child of a Councilman already gave him an extreme status above anyone else, but being related to the Emperor by blood made him untouchable. No wonder not even the Master Wielders interfered when Bras ganged up on Haiden that night. He will never forget it, how easily he broke through his shield. The only one that had enough courage to stand up to Bras was Master Rwoy who gave Haiden his only chance of surviving the rivalry with Bras. In front of everyone Master Rwoy had proposed to Bras to fight Haiden in the Trial of the Three Sisters at the end of Summer. If Haiden manages to win the Trials he will be given the title of Esquire. Although it is the lowest rank, and the sole rank that an authority other than the Emperor himself can bestow upon a commoner, it would be impossible for Bras to kill Hadien. Even the Emperor's relatives must respect the Creator's laws that state no highborn shall slay another. Even if he was not technically a highbron, that he knew of, Haiden would be protected by the technicalities of the title.

Lost in thought he drifted from subject to subject while admiring the gorgeous arrangements of flowers, shrubs and trees that were thriving in the garden. In the end his thoughts settled on the book on Advanced Spells that he stole from the Headmistress' office. It was a hefty book with complicated explanations and Fios heavy techniques and spells. He was able to understand the first couple of pages as they tied with what he had been learning from Master Rwoy and Master Omnelia about Compounded Spells. Compounded spells were indeed more complicated than Simple ones, which only dealt with a single process or function. Compounds combined the Simple spells into intricate and complex spells. The book dealt with Spells that were beyond everything he had even imagined. Water manipulation was a simple limited version of Matter manipulation. Haiden reasoned that if focused on this specific Spell he would be able to come up with a plant to beat Bras as that was the spell he used to break Haiden's shield. Water was easier to manipulate due to its specific mote configuration that resonated with Fios, while matter it referred to all matter. From water, earth, to air, to wood and even flesh. It was a powerful spell that if applied wrongfully could do a lot of damage, however, the magnitude and range depended on the Wielder's strength.

Haiden thought back at his confrontation with Bras. The stone spikes proved that Bras was not fluke. He had control, power and above all knowledge. Haiden only had power, but now with this book he will too have knowledge. At least a basic understanding to maybe block his spells. But who knows what Bras has been learning so far. No doubt he was under the tutelage of a powerful Wielder, getting ready for the Trials. Even so, Haiden was glad Bras had taken a break from the Academy, this meant that he and Maree can roam really without relying on Camila's status for protection. Haiden felt bad for Maree, he had been bullied since day one, or even before that, since their rich families socialize within the same circles. But even with the outcast status, Maree was protected from death due to the money his family had. And Haiden had none, no title and no money. Just some anonymous sponsors he knew nothing about just that they were probably from the Red Keep.

He sighed deeply as he finished his pie. He decided to push this line of thinking to the side and focus on what spell should he try nex. After much internal debate Haiden decided that he should try a body enhancement spell. Maybe that would give him the upper hand in battle.

Scratch, you there? He asked.

Yes. the creature whispered in his mind.

Let's review that one body enhancement spell we saw on page 32. I think I might be able to do it. He said, trying to remember what it implied.

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