Chapter 24 - Part 2

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Clear skyes stretched beyond the horizon allowing the scorching sun to burn everything in sight. The road was dusty and hot with no shade for the Emperor's caravan of people, but that posed no problem in keeping Ryel comfortable. Everywhere he traveled he always took with him two very specialized Wielders in order to acclimate the area around him to his preferred temperature and humidity. The dust was carefully blown away from the area as they moved on while adjusting the temperature in a wide area to encompass everyone. This time, the Emperor decided to travel modestly and keep his entourage to a meager 60 people and no more. Usually he would have rode with at least 200 men and women, but he had to prioritize haste and security as the day in which Jurissa will fall was numbered. And that day was approaching fast.

It has been a long journey and the lack of retainers, concubines, and entertainment was getting to Ryel, his mood only being held by the string of seeing his new power in full bloom at the Trials. Every night since his departure he had dreamed about the amazing feats he would be capable of. Helena's letter brought him immense joy as he recalled what she told him. Power beyond that of a GrandMaster's. He chuckled to himself, and anticipated the moment with every fiber of his being.

Emperor Ryel rode at a steady pace on his prize mron, Yustiel, pure white coat that ended in an emerald great on the tips of the creature's mane and tail. It even rattled majestically as it swatted away with its tail at the flies and bugs. It was a rare creature indeed, bred only for the Imperial family, it moved with such grace it shamed even the best of dancers. This breed of mron were gently yet incredibly strong and had a taller stature than the rest. It's supple body was made for cutting through wind at high speeds while being fully armored in gold. Even it;s vertical mouth had been bejeweled with rare stones and metals.

"She's a fine beast, your grace." Ad'hm pulled closer, riding his own mron. His own was a standard old brown that he named Crest, gifted to him when he had first joined the Imperial guard and refused to take another since.

"That she is." Ryel answered proudly as he stroked her ridged thick neck through the gaps of the armor. "Had her since I was a child. She may be big, but she's gentle and loyal."

"She is lucky to have such a great master, your Imperial Majesty. You take great care of her." Ad'hm looked down at his own mron and stroke its fur. "Crest here has saved my life so many times, I owe him a great deal. Don't know what I would do without him."

"Probably in a ditch somewhere." Danil laughed and pulled besides the two.

"Probably." Ad'hm admitted. "But at least mine was not named by a 2 year old. Bubbles." Ad'hm couldn't contain his laugh.

"Don't listen to him, girl. He doesn't know what he's talking about." Danil whispered to his mron lovingly. Emperor Ryel joined in and chuckled.

"You two better behave when we get there. Don't make a fool out of me, and no brothels, Ad'hm. Araya made me promise to keep you in check."

"Looks like someone's living under the heel." Danil smirked, he motioned with the harness for Bubbles to speed up slightly.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm free as a bird."

"Looks like you're pretty much whipped to me." Ryel laughed and Ad'hm slumped his head in defeat.

"Don't worry Crest, I'm sure we'll get to see some pretty ladies, ignore these two." He said in a baby voice. His gaze turned to Danil who sighed for the hundredth time just today. "Anything on your mind?" He asked as he adjusted in the saddle.

"What do you mean?" Danil looked at him confused.

"You've not been looking like yourself, Danil; ever since we left Red Keep." Emperor Ryel added. "Don't tell me this is about that thing with that woman." The Emperor rolled his eyes.

COMPLETED Remembrance of Self | Fantasy | LGBTQTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang