Chapter - 7

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Picture ^Evelyn's dad (Carlos Shyne)

Happy reading 🌻✨🌻

Evelyn 🌕

"Dammit Evelyn WAKE UP!"

I felt someone shake my shoulder madly. I wanted to smack whoever was that and yell 'Fuck off!' at their face. But I was too tired to even open half of my eyelid. I was about to fall back to my peaceful sleep again, when I was very rudely jolted awake. I was panting with the sudden rush of adrenaline as I saw my dripping wet form. I glanced up to see Josh and Alex standing with the most relived expression on their faces.

Does waking me up by pouring ice cold water on me makes them relived? The hell!?

"You two better have a mind blowing reason for ruining my sleep and bed in a minute or else I will fucking kill you both!" I said through gritted teeth to try and stop trembling from the cold. J rolled his eyes as Alex rubbed his face, his shoulders slumping. "Evelyn, you sacred us all to death you idiot. Your father is in the infirmary squeezing the life out of Ethan, and Luna is trying to calm him down all because of YOU!" Josh stormed towards me and pointed an accusing finger right infront of my face.

"What are you talking about? Why would he threaten Ethan? What did I do?" I asked confused. Honestly, they can't just barge into my bedroom, dump water on my head and wake me up mercilessly and expect me to understand everything that flies out of their mouth. Who do they think I am? Some super natural creature?!

Well... I am supernatural. I turn into an abnormally large wolf but you know what I meant. "Evie you were asleep for almost four days. You didn't even move a muscle while sleeping!" Alex said and looked at me with saddened eyes. "I am what?" I breathed out. I tried to step closer to Alex but my knees wobbled and I almost fell face first but J's strong arms steadied me. That's the moment I realized how sore I felt. I did feel like I haven't moved a bit in a very long time. Panic settled in me. I saw up to J who just looked at me concerned.

I soon pushed all the soreness and numbness to the far back of my mind and balanced on my own feet. Once again my knee wanted to buckle out and fall on the ground but I was determined not to show any weakness in front of my pack. I know it's just my best friend and little brother. Still they are my pack members and I am their soon to be leader who is supposed to be strong and take care of therm. Not the other way around.

And before you think that I'm letting my pride take over or something, let me tell you that I'm not. We wolves stay as a pack. It doesn't matter how large or small the pack is, they always, ALWAYS depend on their alpha. Not because they can't do things on their own. Of course they can. It's because they trust their alpha with their life. They know that their alpha would die protecting the pack. It's like they were bound to believe and respect their alpha. It's in our blood to respect our alpha no matter what. So an alpha openly showing even the tiniest bit of their weakness makes the whole pack weak. An alpha without a pack or a pack without it's alpha is nothing more than a tree without it's roots.

"Inform dad that I woke up" I said. "He blocked his mind link. He was beyond furious at Ethan" J said as he wrapped a towel around my shoulder. "Why? What did he do?" I asked as I walked to my bathroom and changed out of my wet clothes. I left the door a little open so I can hear whatever the two say. Nudity is a common thing around werewolves and I know J or Alex wouldn't want to see me naked. They'd rather claw their own eyes out and wash them with acid.

"Yesterday dad demanded Ethan to check on you so he did. Ethan said that you were perfectly fine and maybe you were just tired and would wake up soon but you didn't so..." Alex trailed off "So he thought that Ethan was lying or didn't check me enough" I finished for him. Once I stepped outside, J let out a sigh of relief and smiled warmly at me. "I linked Luna, they are coming here"

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