Chapter - 41

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Happy reading 🌻


Sleepily proofread.

Flashback in this chapter is in younger Orson's POV so don't get confused. Enjoy!


Orson 🌙

I couldn't sleep at all. I had a bad stomach ache and threw up so much that I couldn't even remember my brother's birthday cake's taste. My mouth tasted so gross. So I paced my room slowly trying to do anything to make myself feel better. 

I had half a mind to shift and sleep in my wolf form but grandpa told me not to shift until I absolutely had to. He said it's some kind of training for my human body. He said that I can't fully rely on my powers and should learn to survive as just a human as well. I don't know why would I ever have to live like humans but I was too scared to ask him. And now I'm too scared to break the training pattern. 

I waited a few more minutes but I was feeling even worse so I decided to wake my mom and tell her. So I walked to the door and peaked with one eye. My grandparents' room was right next to mine so if grandpa finds out that I was still awake, he'll kill me in tomorrow's training. But what I saw was nothing that I expected. 

There were three people standing in front of my grandparents room. My cousins who ran away and a wolf that I did not recognize. What had me paralyzed with fear was, the blue blood that was dripping off of Azazel's claws. 

Before they could notice me, I slowly closed the door but didn't lock it. They will hear that. My first thought was 'RUN', but then they will know that I know they're here. So taking some quiet deep breaths, I went through everything my grandpa had taught me. 

"If you could hear your heartbeat then so could the other wolf, keep your fears bottled up. Never show it."

My heart was pounding against my ribs. Unless they have their ears against the door they wouldn't hear it. So I steadied my heartbeat. As soon as the panic was hidden, I immediately reached out to my grandpa through the mind link. It felt like shouting in a void. If he had blocked the link, then I would've felt like I was talking to a wall, the words bouncing back to me. But now, there was nothing.

My lips wobbled but it was no time to cry. I was about link my dad when I saw the shadows stop in front my room through the door slit. "Dad wake up! Help me!" I yelled through the link as I slowly walked towards my window that I had left open before. Our room was in the third floor so I could hurt myself if I jumped but I can heal and I would be alive. The garden was right below it and maybe I could get some of the patrolling wolves to help. 

The door knob was very silently twisted as I climbed on the windowsill. The door opened and I turned, ready to jump, but then there was a voice. The door wasn't opened anymore and I saw a shadow. The terrace lights were on and the voice was singing a mild lullaby. The shadow had a kid in her arms.

"We'll deal with the awake ones first." I heard Willow say before the three sets of feet disappeared from my door. My throat went completely dry when I realized that it was my mom and my little brother on the terrace.

I had to do something, I had to stop them and dad wasn't waking up. I had no time to sit and think so I shifted. Renzo was quite big considering my age but he was quieter than me. He opened the door with his mouth and sneaked outside. The smell of blood was so heavy that I didn't know how no one noticed and wasn't awake.

My grandparent's door was wide open and there were bloody footprints all over the carpet. It was hard not to cry as I saw my grandfather's lifeless body on the ground right next to my grandma. I walked a little closer and saw my grandpa's chest had a gaping hole. I couldn't walk any closer. 

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