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Before dawn, I put on my swimsuit, shorts, and rush downstairs, completely forgetting that the door is jammed.
But I don't realize that right away, Its not until I'm under the stairs and trying to open the door.
When I remember, I sigh and lean against the door.
I miss the beach so much.

"Won't open?"
I turn around and Adam is suddenly behind me, wearing his swim trunks with a towel over his shoulder.
I pretend that doesn't take my breath away.
"I miss the ocean." I murmur.
He nods apologetically.
"You should wait for your mom. I'm going to the pool."
"No. You don't get it. I can't be here, awake, at dawn and not go to the beach." His forehead creases.
"I need the ocean." I say forcefully.
"I thought your crazy was calm.."
I smile.
"I'm serious." He nods, finally realizing how important this is to me.
"I think there's a way."

"Alright, do exactly as I do. Be careful though, the wires are really sharp." Noah says intently, and I nod.
He jumps, picking himself up with his hands and reaching the wall with his feet.
He stands up on the wall cautiously, and skips the wires, finally jumping to the other side of the wall.

"See? It's easy. I'll be here to catch you if you fall. Be careful, okay?"
"Okay." I reply hesitantly.
I rub my hands together, breathing in and out, and I step far away from the wall.
I then run, and do exactly what Adam did.
A bit less skillfully.
I pull myself up until my legs are close enough to reach the wall, and then I stand there.
I skip the sharp wires slowly.
I can see Adam and the beach, but the ground is too far.
I can't make this jump.

"I can't jump from here." I say, more to myself than him.
"You can. It's not that far. I'm here if you fall." Noah reassures me.
I still don't think I can.
"I'll break my leg or something." I whisper, terrified.
This was a terrible idea.
"I won't let that happen. Come on."
I take a deep breath, and jump.
I end up landing on Adam, making both of us fall into a tangled mess.

He laughs.
For the first time since I've met this man, I actually hear his laugh.
My hand touches his hard chest, and my knee is between his legs.
Holy shit.
I immediately stumble out of our position, being careful not to touch him again.
"I said I'll be here if you fall, not fall on me!" He says, laughing. I can't believe he's laughing.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" He stands up, his smile completely gone.
How does he do that?
"At least you didn't break your leg." He says playfully.

"But always aim when you want to jump, Sara, gee."
Hearing him say my name is like heaven to my ears.

I practically run to the ocean.
Adam goes in before me because of my shorts.
I begin taking them off when I realize that he's watching.
I don't look at him.

I unbutton them and slide them off my hips.
I pick them up, fold them, and place them next to his towel.
I turn around and he's closer, still in the water though.
I can't make out his face expression from here, but he looks calm.
Peaceful even.

I waste no time and run into the ocean, aiming to go deep.
I swim and swim until my feet don't touch the sand anymore, and I stay there, admiring the sunrise.

I wash my face, with the salty water, and drink some of it.
I can't believe I haven't been here since yesterday.
Adam is nowhere to be seen, and I get under the water, letting it play with my hair.
I spend the next fifteen minutes diving in and out, and soon, I stop to watch the sunrise.
I don't leave the deep water though, I like it here.

"Why did you say you were offended in the car the other day?" Adam is suddenly next to me.
I look at him, he isn't facing me.
I wonder why he wants to know that.
It's been a week since that happened..why did it stay in his mind that long?

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